(4 replies, posted in wolfCrypt)

Hi Chris,

I'm trying to implement "Elliptic Curve Qu-Vanstone Implicit Certificate Scheme" based on http://www.secg.org/sec4-1.0.pdf.

I tried to modify my function like this:

int wc_ecc_add2point(ecc_point* P, ecc_point* Q, ecc_point* R, mp_int* modulus){
    mp_digit mp;
    mp_int mu;
    ecc_point *tP, *tQ;
    int err;
    /* init montgomery reduction */
    if ((err = mp_montgomery_setup(modulus, &mp)) != MP_OKAY) {
      return err;
    if ((err = mp_init(&mu)) != MP_OKAY) {
        return err;
    if ((err = mp_montgomery_calc_normalization(&mu, modulus)) != MP_OKAY) {
        return err;
    tP = wc_ecc_new_point();
    tQ = wc_ecc_new_point();
    if (err == MP_OKAY) {
           if (mp_cmp_d(&mu, 1) == MP_EQ) {
               err = mp_copy(P->x, tP->x);
               if (err == MP_OKAY)
                   err = mp_copy(P->y, tP->y);
               if (err == MP_OKAY)
                   err = mp_copy(P->z, tP->z);
           } else {
               err = mp_mulmod(P->x, &mu, modulus, tP->x);
               if (err == MP_OKAY)
                   err = mp_mulmod(P->y, &mu, modulus, tP->y);
               if (err == MP_OKAY)
                   err = mp_mulmod(P->z, &mu, modulus, tP->z);
    if (err == MP_OKAY) {
           if (mp_cmp_d(&mu, 1) == MP_EQ) {
               err = mp_copy(Q->x, tQ->x);
               if (err == MP_OKAY)
                   err = mp_copy(Q->y, tQ->y);
               if (err == MP_OKAY)
                   err = mp_copy(Q->z, tQ->z);
           } else {
               err = mp_mulmod(Q->x, &mu, modulus, tQ->x);
               if (err == MP_OKAY)
                   err = mp_mulmod(Q->y, &mu, modulus, tQ->y);
               if (err == MP_OKAY)
                   err = mp_mulmod(Q->z, &mu, modulus, tQ->z);
    if((err = ecc_projective_add_point(tP, tQ, R, modulus, &mp))!=MP_OKAY){
        return err;

    if((err = ecc_map(R, modulus, &mp))!=MP_OKAY) {
        return err;
    return MP_OKAY;

To expose wc_ecc_add2point as a part of public API, I added the prototype of the function on ecc.h like this:

int wc_ecc_add2point(ecc_point* P, ecc_point* Q, ecc_point* R, mp_int* modulus);

And then I called it in an other function in ssl.c:

    ecc_point* base, *eccD;
    const ecc_set_type* dp =  &ecc_sets[curve_index];
        int err;
    base = wc_ecc_new_point();

    /*Get domain curve parameters*/
        err = mp_read_radix(&prime, (char *) dp->prime, 16);
    if (err == MP_OKAY)
        err = mp_read_radix(&order, (char *) dp->order, 16);
    if (err == MP_OKAY)
        err = mp_read_radix(base->x, (char *) dp->Gx, 16);
    if (err == MP_OKAY)
        err = mp_read_radix(base->y, (char *) dp->Gy, 16);
    if (err == MP_OKAY)
        mp_set(base->z, 1);
    eccD = wc_ecc_new_point();
    err = wc_ecc_add2point(base, base, eccD, &prime);

And the result was seem 'OK'. eccD point was actually double base point. But I still don't know whether my implement (the way I used ecc_projective_add_point function) is correct or not? And the way I use to expose the function as a part of public API of wolfSSL is right?

Can you give me advice?

Thank You,


(4 replies, posted in wolfCrypt)

Hi Chrisc,

Thank you for your answer!
I'm try to use ecc_projective_add_point() function, but the result isn't as expecting. It seems like I used it incorrectly. The following is the function which I write to add two ecc points:

int wc_ecc_add2point(ecc_point* P, ecc_point* Q, ecc_point* R, mp_int* modulus){
    mp_digit mp;
    int err;
    if ((err = mp_montgomery_setup(modulus, &mp)) != MP_OKAY) {
      return err;
    if((err = ecc_projective_add_point(P, Q, R, modulus, &mp))!=MP_OKAY){
        return err;
    if((err = ecc_map(R, modulus, &mp))!=MP_OKAY) {
        return err;
    return MP_OKAY;

Is it ok if I use P and Q in affine coordinate format to put on ecc_projective_add_point() function?
Please help me how to use this function. 
Thank You!


(4 replies, posted in wolfCrypt)


Do wolfssl support addition two ecc points?

Thank You!