(1 replies, posted in wolfSSL)


I make a libwolfssl.so file in qnx660 with -fPIC option as below.

./configure --host=arm-unknown-nto-qnx6.6.0eabi CFLAGS="-fPIC -fstack-protector -DWOLFSSL_STATIC_RSA -DWOLFSSL_HAVE_MAX -DWOLFSSL_HAVE_MIN" --enable-opensslextra --enable-fortress --enable-aesgcm=table --enable-ecc --enable-eccencrypt --enable-tlsx --enable-hkdf --enable-sha512

For checking fPIC option in so file, I try to check using hardening-check libwolfssl.so command in Ubuntu OS.
But looks like the library is not build with –fPIC. I don't understand why PIE is not set.
And I want to know how I check .so file with PIC option.
Please help me.

>hardening-check libwolfssl.so

Position Independent Executable: no, regular shared library (ignored)
Stack protected: yes
Fortify Source functions: no, only unprotected functions found!
Read-only relocations: no, not found!
Immediate binding: no, not found!