(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Kaleb,

I found the issue 173 - BAD_FUNC_ARG. It must be something with generated seed in random.c. I implemented this with a template from arduino. This one fails at ssl_new(). When I just return 0 - (I have read that somewhere) - in the generated seed the error is than 370 in ssl_accept().
Could this be the failure? What should I write in the generated seed, when the one from arduino is failing?



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Kaleb,

that's the point i changed nothing. I just downloaded wolfssl again and configured it as I had it before. Then I replaced the old library with the new ohne.

The settings are the same which I posted before.

I know and I thank you, that you spend your time on my issues. Do you have an idea what i could try?



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Kaleb,

as I wrote in my first post. I want to establish a DTLS-over-CoAP server on the Arduino MKR1000. This project is the last part of my bachelor thesis.

Today i thought to configure the library new. I got stuck on an error way before the other issues. Now wolfSSL_new() fails with 173 - BAD_FUNC_ARG. I don´t know how this would go to an end.. please help me again.



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Kaleb,

yes I use UDP.

My settings:

    #define WOLFSSL_DTLS
    #define USER_TIME
    #define    NO_INLINE
    #define NO_WRITEV
    #define NO_WOLFSSL_DIR
    #define NO_DEV_RANDOM
    #define WOLFSSL_USER_IO
    #define HAVE_ECC
    #define NO_DH
    #define NO_SESSION_CACHE
    #define USE_SLOW_SHA

I used this tutorial to transform your dtls server example to my arduino.

Here is my code on Arduino. I attached the wolfSSL_write function to my code. Before this I skipped everything in the code when ssl_accept failed. Now the server is sending a client hello back. A new wireshark capture is also attached. But I still get 370 or 311 error in ssl_accept, depends on what the client writes in the epoch field.

Here is my code from the arduino sketch:

void loop()
  int sz;
  // With awaitDataGramm() I create the socket, set options, bind the socket and wait for a client. The client arrival is      handled by a Arduino WiFiInterface
  int socketCheck = udp.awaitDataGramm(5684);
  Serial.println("SocketCheck ");

 //Returns the created socketnumber
  while (cleanup != 1) {
 // udp.parsePacket() is everytime called when a new package is arriving. And it stores the clientIP, ClientPort.
    if ((sz = udp.parsePacket()) > 0) {
//Storing clientIP, clientPort and Socket for wolfssl.
      getIpAndPort(udp.remoteIP(), udp.remotePort(), udp.getListenSocket());

      if (( ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx) ) == NULL) {
        Serial.println("wolfSSL_new error.\n");
        cleanup = 1;
      if (wolfSSL_set_fd(ssl, udp.getListenSocket()) != SSL_SUCCESS) {
        Serial.println("set_fd error");
        cleanup = 1;
      int result;
//Accept always runs into an error. 
//When client sets epoch time field to 0 a 311 error results.
//When client sets epoch time field > 0, wolfssl is looping in processReply() because always getRecordHeader has the SEQUENCE_ERROR as the return value
      if ((result = wolfSSL_accept(ssl)) != SSL_SUCCESS) {
        int err = wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0);
        Serial.println("SSL_accept failed.\n");
        cleanup = 1;
      float temperature = readTemp();
      static char temp[4];
      sprintf(temp, "%f", temperature);

      int checkRead;
      if ((checkRead = wolfSSL_read(ssl, packetbuf, sizeof(packetbuf))) < 0) {
        Serial.println("Read failed");
      int checkWrite;
      if ((checkWrite = wolfSSL_write(ssl, temp, sizeof(temp))) < 0) {
         Serial.println("Write failed");



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Kaleb,

thank you for your reply.

I am implementing the server side.

The wireshark capture is the attempt to connect a client to the server. My server sends nothing back because it fails during the ssl_accept.

The DtlsCheckWindow returns now 1 but only because ssl->keys.curEpoch == ssl->keys.nextEpoch are 0. After this it runs into UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE.



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Kaleb,

thank you for your answer. You were right WOLFSSL_USER_IO was defined in the settings. I implemented my own IO callbacks and now the Socket processes the values correctly. Your questions:

What TCP/IP stack are you using?

I use WiFi - IP - UDP.

Are you checking all the return values when creating the socket?

Yes I do.

Are you confident the socket was successfully opened for TCP prior to calling wolfSSL_connect on the file descriptor?

Here I´m not shure what you mean.

A new error occured in method ProcessReply from internal.c. When
GetRecordHeader has been called it returns: SEQUENCE_ERROR -370

case getRecordLayerHeader:

            ret = GetRecordHeader(ssl, ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.buffer,
                                       &ssl->curRL, &ssl->curSize);

The 370 error comes from the following position:

    myRecordBuffer = DtlsCheckWindow(ssl);
    if (IsDtlsNotSctpMode(ssl) &&
        (!DtlsCheckWindow(ssl) ||
         (ssl->options.handShakeDone && ssl->keys.curEpoch == 0))) {
            return SEQUENCE_ERROR;

If gets hit because IsDtlsNotSctpMode(ssl) == 1 and !DtlsCheckWindow(ssl) == 0.

Please help me.



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)


my aim is to establish a CoAP Server with DTLS over UDP on an Arduino MKR1000. I used microcoap for CoAP and a given example UDP implementation from Arduino. To enable DTLS I followed the wolfSSL DTLS Server example
I merged this example to the UDP implementation from Arduino. Before this I ported wolfssl to the Arduino and implemented the random and xtime function.

My problem is, that the handshake fails, when I establish a connection with a CoAPS client to my CoAP server. On the server I get the UDP package and I could parse it. But when I call wolfSSL_accept(ssl) it returns -1 and the error code is 308 - SOCKET_ERROR_E. The ssl parameter is not null. The source of the error is, when the following method gets called in internal.c:

in = Receive(ssl,
                     ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.buffer +
        if (in == -1)
            return SOCKET_ERROR_E;

Why did I get this error?
