(8 replies, posted in wolfMQTT)

Hi David,

i'm very sorry, it was a mistake i currently use v0.12, you can check it looking the code on my first post, it is extracted from v0.12

i see that you are one of the author of the wolfMQTT, thank to you for all the effort from you and your team.

dgarske wrote:

Also a MQTT_CODE_ERROR_TIMEOUT is considered a failure

if the timeout is a failure why in the example file (mqttclient.c) the publish of a new message and the ping is under the condition:


                rc = MqttClient_WaitMessage(&mqttCtx->client,

                /* check return code */
                if (rc == MQTT_CODE_CONTINUE) {
                    return rc;
                else if (rc == MQTT_CODE_ERROR_TIMEOUT) {


                        rc = MqttClient_Publish(&mqttCtx->client, &mqttCtx->publish);


                        rc = MqttClient_Ping(&mqttCtx->client);


it send ping or publish only in case of failure? misunderstanding?

dgarske wrote:

is there a reason you aren't returning the MQTT_CODE_CONTINUE return code in non-blocking mode from your NetRead function?



static int MqttSocket_TlsSocketReceive(WOLFSSL* ssl, char *buf, int sz,
    void *ptr)
    int rc;
    MqttClient *client = (MqttClient*)ptr;
    (void)ssl; /* Not used */
    rc = client->net->read(client->net->context, (byte*)buf, sz,
    if (rc == 0) {
    else if (rc < 0) {
    return rc;

if NetRead return MQTT_CODE_CONTINUE (aka -101) the function MqttSocket_TlsSocketReceive return WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL and THIS for sure is a failure ERROR

return case on my NetRead implementation:

int NetRead(void *context, byte* buf, int buf_len,  int timeout_ms)

case [ nothing to read, continue ]:
    return 0
case [ read byte from the incoming buffer ]:
    return data_len 
case [ network error( ex. socket close, overflow, ecc ]
case [timeout_ms expired]

if i totally misunderstood the right return case, please can suggest me what is the right one?


(8 replies, posted in wolfMQTT)

other strange behavior with WOLFMQTT_NONBLOCK define is also on some write function.

just one example:

file mqqt_client.c

144:                /* Send packet */
145:                msg->stat = MQTT_MSG_BEGIN;
146:                rc = MqttPacket_Write(client, client->tx_buf,
147:                                                    client->packet.buf_len);

after the client have received a message from the broker it send ACK in response to the publish(according to the QoS level)
when is in use the NONBLOCK mode it is supposed that the library do not proceed to the next step up to the MqttPacket_Write was completed.
In this case the library set the next status to MQTT_MSG_BEGIN independently of the value returned by the function (CONTINUE, SUCCESS, ERROR ).

I'm not sure if i totally misunderstand the workflow with WOLFMQTT_NONBLOCK or the library is NOT stable and/or NOT fully tested.


(8 replies, posted in wolfMQTT)

First of all thank you for your support and suggestion, but some doubt still present.

Kaleb J. Himes wrote:

Hi embedded,

In non-blocking mode a timeout should never be reached, ever. The timeout is for one specific "blocking mode" case:

if the timeout is never rise from NetRead, how MqttClient_WaitType can restore msg->stat to MQTT_MSG_BEGIN ?

if the msg->stat is set to MQTT_MSG_WAIT, the  mqtt client is stuck on wait state and can not start any new action (like publish)

265:            rc = MqttPacket_Read(client, client->rx_buf, client->rx_buf_len, timeout_ms);
266:            if (rc <= 0) {
267:                if (rc != MQTT_CODE_CONTINUE) {
268:                    msg->stat = MQTT_MSG_BEGIN;
269:                }
270:                return rc;
271:            }

is c language, so off course is possible to force the internal state of the mqqt library from the application layer, but is look like ugly and is not designed to use it in that way. i´m trying to use your library in the right way.

currently i´m looking on this last version

wolfMQTT v0.12 (12/20/16) edit

wolfMQTT v0.11 (11/28/16)
wolfSSL (Formerly CyaSSL) Release 3.10.2 (2/10/2017)


(8 replies, posted in wolfMQTT)


i'm in process to porting wolfMQTT + wolfSSL (aws) in a microcontroller,
i'm start from the example "awsiot.c" and in blocking mode the library work properly, but with WOLFMQTT_NONBLOCK there are some issue with the timeout of the read function

my porting of mqttnet.c

    return MQTT_CODE_ERROR_NETWORK; //socket error
    return 0 //Nothing to read
    return data_len //num of byte read
    return MQTT_CODE_ERROR_TIMEOUT //timeout_ms expired 

if there are not activity between the client and the server, after DEFAULT_CMD_TIMEOUT_MS the function NetRead return MQTT_CODE_ERROR_TIMEOUT


51:    if (rc == 0 || rc == MQTT_CODE_ERROR_TIMEOUT) {
53:    }
54:    else if (rc < 0) {
56:    }

but the library overwrite the result with WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_READ if there are a timeout and also for "no data available"


157:        if (error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
158:        #ifdef WOLFMQTT_NONBLOCK
159:            rc = MQTT_CODE_CONTINUE;
160:        #else
161:            rc = MQTT_CODE_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
162:        #endif
163:        }

in the next step of the code the result is set just checking the #define, so the initial information of timeout is lost and the code do the same path between "no data available" and timeout

i tried also to return MQTT_CODE_CONTINUE when the data is not available but the library set the result with WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_GENERAL and off course the code stop.

is a issue of the library or i misunderstood / or wrong implemented?
in any case, some suggestion how to solve the issue?