Hi Eric,

I fixed it ,
In settings.h under #ifdef FREESCALE_COMMON I had a #undef HAVE_ECC, and a comment on #define HAVE_ECC (probably something I did and forgot while testing)
Also I created new Self Signed cert and key, and HTTPS works.

Regarding my second question about NTRU, is it a must for RSA Suites?

Thanks a lot,

I'm working with MQX OS and trying to setup a secure HTTP Server with TLSv1.2 (HTTP Server is working fine).
I enabled the SSL definition and added the ssl_params with path to server-cert and and server-key.
I opened the FREESCALE_MQX and WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS definition in wolfssl\wolfcrypt\settings.h.
In user_settings.h :
#undef NO_RSA
#undef  NO_INLINE
#define NO_WRITEV
#define NO_OLD_TLS

also added "config-Crypt.h" from wolfssl\IDE\MDK5-ARM\Conf and enabled almost all algorithms.

I have two problems:
1. in InitSuites these are the only suites enabled for tls1_2:


How can I get more Cipher suites?

2. After getting Client Hello I got fail in VerifyServerSuite
this is the reason:

if (ssl->options.haveNTRU)
            haveRSA = 0;

How can I overcome the haveRSA issue?

I will appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance.