(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

One problem I have is running wolfssl in a petalinux environment, and I don't believe we are supposed to be editing the makefile for wolfssl. At the moment, I am still confused where to put user_settings.h. I appreciate your response, but is there a way to define where the user_settings.h file is in the ./configure command. Another problem I have is that if I compile without any configure options (which is successful), the compiler cannot find the header files linked despite using -l wolfssl and -l <libraries I have tried>.

My script that I am running to link the wolfssl library to our compiler during :

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

sudo apt-get install -y git autoconf libtool

git clone https://github.com/wolfssl/wolfssl.git
cd ~/wolfssl
./configure --enable-aesccm

sudo make install

sudo ldconfig

Which results in the error attached above. What do you recommend as a better method than running ./configure, that would work in a petalinux based environment?


(3 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

In Chapter 2.4.5 of the wolfSSL-Manual:
"WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS if defined allows a user specific settings file to be
used. The file must be named “user_settings.h” and exist in the include path.
This is included prior to the standard “settings.h” file, so default settings can be

What (and where) exactly is the include path? I am having all sorts of errors because I am not completely sure where this header file needs to be included. Can anyone point me in the proper direction? I have included my current errors and paths I have tried.

Thank you very much.