(1 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hello Im trying to make a C program that uses WolfSSL to en/decrypt Data with AES-256-GCM and i want to use WolfSSL for that. I downloaded the source and built it with ./configure make make install and ran the test which returned no errors but when i try to use any of the WolfSSL functions in my CodeLite Project I get an Undefined Reference error.
I included the ssl.h file with #include <wolfssl/ssl.h> and added libwolfssh.a to my linker libraries but everytime i try to use any of the WolfSSL functions it says Undefined Reference allthough my IDE is able to find all functions and even suggests the complete functions when I type in wc_

The error message (I know that I didnt give the function any arguments, I just wanted to see if it even recognizes it)
My Linker Settings
My Compiler Settings

Does anyone know how i can fix this? Im using CodeLite with Mingw-w64 on Windows10