I've been able to reproduce and saw that a different certificates are being returned.

Building wolfSSL with


should address this. This includes the server name in the Client Hello so the server will send the appropriate certificate.

Hope that addresses your issue.

Using wireshark I captured the certificates when running

curl -vvI https://qnzthome.51110.com/ --tls-max 1.2
./examples/client/client -h qnzthome.51110.com -p 443 -A /etc/ssl/certs/DigiCert_Global_Root_CA.pem -m -v3

I saw the same certificate in gdb using the example program you had shared with TLS v1.3.

Note if you test with the example client you will need add -S

./examples/client/client -h qnzthome.51110.com -p 443 -A /etc/ssl/certs/DigiCert_Global_Root_CA.pem -m -v3 -S qnzthome.51110.com

Hi Joe,

It looks like you are using a current version of curl. wolfSSL is currently at version 4.5 (3.13 is 3 years old). Is it possible for you to try with a more recent version of wolfSSL?

Easy to make the mistake, the latter is hex and not base64 encoded. There are hex to base64 online (first one I found was https://base64.guru/converter/encode/hex). Putting `c8ed5e65713f8170b8d0769a8ed8c35740ba0b706d5856e22d709be1e001cf8c` in it generated the same base64 that you posted (`yO1eZXE/gXC40HaajtjDV0C6C3BtWFbiLXCb4eABz4w=`).

Hope that helps.