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Hi Sadanand,
Great question. So we don't have a define called HAVE_AESCCM_8, and you don't need any extra defines. The exact same build settings are used to enable TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256 and TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256.
If I'm understanding right, your connection is closing after a few seconds, is that correct? If so, are you confident your server supports the cipher suite TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256?
Please share your user_settings.h and generate and share a full debug log. To generate a debug log, build with --enable-debug --enable-debug-trace-errcodes and run wolfSSL_Debugging_ON() at the start of your program.
Please share some information about your project. Are you working on a personal or commercial project?
Feel free to email us at support [AT] wolfssl [DOT] com if any of this information is sensitive.
wolfSSL will attempt to include stdarg.h if OPENSSL_EXTRA is defined, you'll need to remove this define if you don't have this header available on your system.
Hi Nilesh,
Great question. So the client only needs to store/know about the root CA, to load this use wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer. The server will load the intermediate certs and the server certs, you can use wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_buffer for this.
During the connection, the server will send over its cert and all intermediates, then the client will verify that the chain is verified against the root CA it has loaded.
Hi Nilesh,
I am happy to help. So if I'm understanding right, you want to be able to update your certificate buffer without recompiling your application. In this case we would recommend setting aside a section of flash for your certificate, and pointing your cert buffer to this address. Then you can update your certificate by replacing this section rather than recompiling your entire application.
We don't support automatically generating certificates as described. If you would like us to add support for this, we would need to set up a feature request, please contact us at support [AT] wolfssl [DOT] com to set this up.
This define will go in your user_settings.h, you can find more information on and some examples of user_settings here: … es/configs
I would recommend starting with user_settings_template.h and adjusting it to your use case.
Hi Nilesh,
Great question. Security wise, you are better off generating a new CA certificate with a lower expiration date like 1 year vs a longer expiration date like 20 years.
Around the 1 year mark when your certificate is about to expire, you will want to generate a new certificate for the server, we have some examples of how to do this with wolfSSL here: … er/certgen
On the client side, you will need to load the newly generated CA certificate instead of the old one, since you are using a static buffer in code you'd need to update this buffer and rebuild your code. If your device supports a filesystem, you could point wolfSSL to a file which you'd replace when the cert expires.
May I ask if you are using wolfSSL in a personal or commercial project? Feel free to email us at support [AT] wolfssl [DOT] com if this information is sensitive.
Hi Bryce,
Thank you for your interest in wolfSSL and great question. For Integrity OS, you will need to define __INTEGRITY or INTEGRITY, this define should be set by default by your toolchain.
We have various IDE example projects here which you may find helpful:
May I ask what kind of project you are using wolfSSL in and whether it is personal or commercial? You are welcome to email us at support [AT] wolfssl [DOT] com if these details are sensitive.
Hi OilProducts,
What version of wolfSSL are you using and which compiler are you using on OS X? What version is your OS X compiler/toolchain? If you aren't using our latest release 5.7.6, please give it a try and let me know if it helps.
Hi Sunnysunday,
Are you confident you are not setting your WOLFSSL_CTX/WOLFSSL ciphers at runtime before connecting? wolfSSL_get_ciphers gets the full list of enabled cipher suites in the library, not the currently enabled cipher suites in your WOLFSSL.
Hi de2,
Please share your build settings for wolfSSL and tinycurl, please also ensure you are using the latest version of each which is currently wolfSSL 5.7.4 and tinycurl 8.4.0. Which TLS versions/algorithms do you require for your use case?
As you are using a static library, note that the library size is not the final size as the linker will discard a significant part of the library when linking to your application. If you are using libcurl rather than tinycurl as a standalone application you will need to link it into your application then check the size with your toolchain's size utility or with the map file generated by your compiler. Please also ensure that you are using your compiler's size optimization option (for example -Os) and have LTO enabled.
Hello Happy,
-140/ASN_PARSE_E is a general error thrown when the cert/CRL passed in is invalid in some way. For more information on where this error is coming from, please rebuild with --enable-debug --enable-debug-trace-errcodes.
Hi alem,
It looks like you're failing to build the kernel helper get_thread_size. You could try bypassing the need to build this by building with KERNEL_THREAD_STACK_SIZE=16384 make, but we generally don't expect that you should be having issues building this.
Are you confident your kernel module build environment is set up correctly? Are you able to build any other kernel modules, even an example "hello world" module?
Please share some details on your project and whether you are using wolfSSL in a commercial or personal project. You are welcome to email us at support [AT] wolfssl [DOT] com if this information is sensitive.
Hello Happy,
-179 is CRL_CERT_DATE_ERR, this means the CRL's date is not valid when compared to the current time.
You may find our debug logging helpful, you can enable it by building with --enable-debug and running wolfSSL_Debugging_ON() at the start of your program.
Hello Sunnysunday,
Those cipher suites require WOLFSSL_STATIC_PSK defined and PSK, AES/AES-CBC, TLS and SHA256 enabled. It looks like your config is only missing WOLFSSL_STATIC_PSK, you will need to manually add this flag as it is not supported with a configure argument currently: "CFLAGS=-DWOLFSSL_STATIC_PSK" ./configure ...
Hello Happy,
-190 is ASN_CRL_NO_SIGNER_E, this means the CRL's CA cert is not registered with wolfSSL. You will need to register your CA cert with wolfSSL_CertManagerLoadCA before calling wolfSSL_CertManagerLoadCRLBuffer.
For the dynamic library error you need to copy the given hash into verifyCore in fips_test.c and rebuild wolfSSL.
Hi Volga,
When using wolfSSL as a static library, the hash will change depending on the application wolfSSL is built against. You will need to run strongswan with wolfSSL linked, then get the FIPS hash from there and rebuild wolfSSL with that hash. I would recommend building as a dynamic library if possible as it will be more straightforward.
Hi Volga,
That error means the FIPS hash was not updated correctly, you will need to update your FIPS hash or wolfSSL will not initialize.
Hi volga629,
Since you are using FIPS ready, please try adding a call to wc_RunAllCast_fips() after strongswan calls (wolf)SSL_Init() and let me know if it helps. If not, please enable wolfSSL debug logging and attach a debug log here.
Hello volga629,
-203 IN_CORE_FIPS_E means our FIPS hash check failed. When building wolfSSL FIPS you must update the FIPS hash after any build option/environment change, you can either run the script in the root of the wolfSSL directory or run the wolfCrypt test and copy the hash it outputs to fips_test.c. Then rebuild and retry using wolfSSL with strongswan.
Hi volga629,
Yes, configure is what I would recommend to set up wolfSSL with strongswan, since you are able to use configure arguments instead of having to define every single setting. Your setup looks correct to me.
For the Visual Studio case you will also need the IDE/WIN10 user_settings.h I linked merged with yours, and WOLFSSL_FIPS_READY defined.
Hi volga629,
You can safely disregard the message in your most recent post as it is just a warning.
For the missing references you are seeing, you will need multiple defines added to your build settings for strongswan. Since you are using FIPS ready, you will want to start with our "WIN10" Visual Studio project and define WOLFSSL_FIPS_READY in user_settings.h: … /IDE/WIN10
Then you will want to add the following defines to fully enable strongswan support:
#define HAVE_CRL
#define HAVE_OCSP
#define HAVE_EX_DATA
For Visual Studio you'll need to add the path to your wolfSSL library to your project's additional library directories and wolfssl.lib to your additional dependencies in project properties -> librarian -> general.
Hello volga629,
Yes, after building wolfSSL you will want to install it with "sudo make install" so your linker can find it. Depending on wolfSSL's install path, you may need to add the path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well.
Hello Volga,
I am seeing a recent commit for PARSE_ERROR in strongswan which should fix this, please try rebuilding with it applied and let me know if it helps: … 2e31a046e1
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