
Thank you for your suggestions. I am running the build from a Windows machine and do not have ./configure or autoconf available. I originally built wolfSSL using the IDE\VS-ARM\wolfssl.vcxproj.

I did add the following defines in wolfssl\wolfcrypt\settings.h

/* Uncomment next line if building for Dolphin Emulator */
/* #define DOLPHIN_EMULATOR */

// DL: Substituting encryption layer with wolfSSL from OpenSSL

I did so after reading the following comment in wolfssl\wolfcrypt\settings.h. The suggestions related to options.h left me puzzled.

/* This flag allows wolfSSL to include options.h instead of having client
 * projects do it themselves. This should *NEVER* be defined when building
 * wolfSSL as it can cause hard to debug problems. */
#include <wolfssl/options.h>

I also verified that the header wolfssl\wolfcrypt\settings.h is also included in wolfssl\openssl\sha.h as shown here:

/* sha.h for openssl */

#ifndef WOLFSSL_SHA_H_
#define WOLFSSL_SHA_H_

#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h>
#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/types.h>

Therefore, the compile errors  related to SHA225_Init(&cx)/wolfSSL_SHA224_Init are still reported.

As suggested, I added the BIO_TYPE_SOCKET definition in wolfssl\openssl\bio.h header file as:

// Copied from openssl\bio.h (original)
/* There are the classes of BIOs */
//# define BIO_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR     0x0100 /* socket, fd, connect or accept */
//# define BIO_TYPE_FILTER         0x0200
//# define BIO_TYPE_SOURCE_SINK    0x0400

/* These are the 'types' of BIOs */
//# define BIO_TYPE_NONE             0
//# define BIO_TYPE_MEM            ( 1|BIO_TYPE_SOURCE_SINK)
//# define BIO_TYPE_FILE           ( 2|BIO_TYPE_SOURCE_SINK)

//# define BIO_TYPE_NULL           ( 6|BIO_TYPE_SOURCE_SINK)

// DL Redefining for WolfSSL; 
# define BIO_TYPE_NONE             WOLFSSL_BIO_UNDEF

This addition addressed the undeclared identifier error initially reported. However, casting errors as shown here are now reported. I will be modifying the source code to address these.

PathToFolder/realm-core/src/realm/util/network_ssl.cpp:420:13: error: cannot initialize an array element of type 'char' with an rvalue of type 'nullptr_t'
            nullptr,              // const char* name

PathToFolder/realm-core/src/realm/util/network_ssl.cpp:421:13: error: cannot initialize an array element of type 'char' with an rvalue of type 'int (*)(BIO *, const char *, int) noexcept' (aka 'int (*)(WOLFSSL_BIO *, const char *, int) noexcept')
            &Stream::bio_write,   // int (*bwrite)(BIO*, const char*, int)

PathToFolder/realm-core/src/realm/util/network_ssl.cpp:422:13: error: cannot initialize an array element of type 'char' with an rvalue of type 'int (*)(BIO *, char *, int) noexcept' (aka 'int (*)(WOLFSSL_BIO *, char *, int) noexcept')
            &Stream::bio_read,    // int (*bread)(BIO*, char*, int)

PathToFolder/realm-core/src/realm/util/network_ssl.cpp:423:13: error: cannot initialize an array element of type 'char' with an rvalue of type 'int (*)(BIO *, const char *) noexcept' (aka 'int (*)(WOLFSSL_BIO *, const char *) noexcept')
            &Stream::bio_puts,    // int (*bputs)(BIO*, const char*)

PathToFolder/realm-core/src/realm/util/network_ssl.cpp:424:13: error: cannot initialize an array element of type 'char' with an rvalue of type 'nullptr_t'
            nullptr,              // int (*bgets)(BIO*, char*, int)

PathToFolder/realm-core/src/realm/util/network_ssl.cpp:425:13: error: cannot initialize an array element of type 'char' with an rvalue of type 'long (*)(BIO *, int, long, void *) noexcept' (aka 'long (*)(WOLFSSL_BIO *, int, long, void *) noexcept')
            &Stream::bio_ctrl,    // long (*ctrl)(BIO*, int, long, void*)

Best regards,

Good evening,

I was asked to complete a proof of concept where we want to replace the use of OpenSSL with Realm (realm-core) with WolfSSL. Realm is used on an Android application

I was able to download WolfSSL (5.3.0-stable) and build it using VS 2019 and IDE\VS-ARM\wolfssl.vcxproj, on a Windows 10 machine. I manually modified the vcxproj to add OPENSSL_EXTRA to PreprocessorDefinitions.  The build procedure completes successfully and the library libwolfssl.a is produced.

Now I am trying to compile realm-core (release 10.10.1) and replace OpenSSL libraries with the WolfSSL one. To simplify the build procedure (avoiding CMake and gradle), I used a script available from realm-core (tools\cross_compile.sh), selecting android as the target OS to build the module with OpenSSL, and logged the process steps. I then created a .bat file from the log, listing all the realm-core source files needed for the realm-core module and used the compatibility mode to select WolfSSL headers during compilation.

The toolchain used is Android\Sdk\ndk\23.1.7779620\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64; with clang++.exe (version 12.0.8) as compiler

In most cases, the following command and argument list is used when invoking the compiler:

%clangCompiler%\bin\clang++.exe --target=aarch64-none-linux-android21 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I%realmIncludePath% -I%realmCompileSrc% -I%wolfSSLHeaders% -isystem realm-core\wolfssl\wolfssl-5.3.0-stable\wolfssl -DANDROID -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fexceptions -frtti -stdlib=libc++ -O3 -DWOLFSSL_SHA224 -DNDEBUG -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -Wall -Wextra -Wempty-body -Wparentheses -Wunknown-pragmas -Wunreachable-code -Wunused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-uninitialized -Wpartial-availability -Wno-redundant-move -fdiagnostics-color -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fomit-frame-pointer -fsigned-char -fstrict-aliasing -funwind-tables -no-canonical-prefixes -Oz -std=c++17 -MD

realmIncludePath = PathToFolder\realm-core\src
realmCompileSrc= PathToFolder\realm-core\build-android-arm64-v8a-Release\src
wolfSSLHeaders= PathToFolder\realm-core\wolfssl\wolfssl-5.3.0-stable

For good measure, I added the #define statements for OPENSSL_EXTRA and OPENSSL_ALL in the header file PathToFolder\realm-core\wolfssl\wolfssl-5.3.0-stable\wolfssl\wolfcrypt\settings.h

This is working for all but a few .cpp files. The following errors are reported:

PathToFolder\realm-core\wolfssl\wolfssl-5.3.0-stable\wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h:2375:14: warning: "For timing resistance / side-channel attack prevention consider using harden options" [-W#warnings]
            #warning "For timing resistance / side-channel attack prevention consider using harden options"

PathToFolder\realm-core/src/realm/util/encrypted_file_mapping.cpp:416:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'SHA224_Init'

PathToFolder\realm-core/src/realm/util/encrypted_file_mapping.cpp:423:30: error: use of undeclared identifier 'SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH'
    SHA256_Update(&ctx, dst, SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH);

To address the errors above, I added the argument -DWOLFSSL_SHA224 to the compiler command. Compiling the code resulted in the following:

PathToFolder\realm-core/src/realm/util/encrypted_file_mapping.cpp:416:5: error: no matching function for call to

PathToFolder\realm-core\wolfssl\wolfssl-5.3.0-stable\wolfssl/openssl/sha.h:106:17: note: candidate function not viable: no
      known conversion from 'SHA256_CTX *' (aka 'WOLFSSL_SHA256_CTX *') to 'WOLFSSL_SHA224_CTX *' for 1st argument
WOLFSSL_API int wolfSSL_SHA224_Init(WOLFSSL_SHA224_CTX* sha);
PathToFolder\realm-core/src/realm/util/encrypted_file_mapping.cpp:421:5: error: no matching function for call to

PathToFolder\realm-core\wolfssl\wolfssl-5.3.0-stable\wolfssl/openssl/sha.h:117:23: note: expanded from macro 'SHA224_Init'
#define SHA224_Init   wolfSSL_SHA224_Init

A second file fails to compile with the following error:

PathToFolder\realm-core/src/realm/util/network_ssl.cpp:419:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'BIO_TYPE_SOCKET'
            BIO_TYPE_SOCKET,      // int type

A quick search reveal the BIO_TYPE_SOCKET is declared in OpenSSL\bio.h but absent in wolfssl\openssl\bio.h

What am I missing to successfully complete building this module? Am I right to assume that the definition of BIO_TYPE_SOCKET is missing from the WolfSSL compatibility layer?

What about the errors related to SHA224_Init definition?

Any suggestions on how I could approach these issues?

Best Regards