Changing the key size to 2048 solved the problem.

Thanks for your help.

The server certificate rsa public key is 4096 bit.
This is the default value on my system. I don't even know how to change it...

What size should I choose?

It is also a single certificate in the ca file.

Thanks for your response.

I'm not sure if it will be easy to cross compile to openwrt, as there are some patches to be applied.
Would you have a makefile for openwrt?


I'm using cyassl 1.4.0 through a lua library called nixio in openwrt
I'm trying to have an https client validating the server private certificate authority.

the program calls set_verify to "peer" then set_verify_locations with my CAfile before connecting.
The CA is private and was generated with openssl.
After having had some problems with dates, I now have problems with error -131

RSA_BUFFER_E       = -131,  /* RSA buffer error, output too small or input too large */

What can I do about this?

Thanks for your help