Topic: Converting SSL Tutorial to UDP with DTLS
Does anyone no of any references that explains how to setup an echoserver/echoclient like the ones that are used in the SSL Tutorial but instead of TCP with SSL use UDP with DTLS?
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → Converting SSL Tutorial to UDP with DTLS
Does anyone no of any references that explains how to setup an echoserver/echoclient like the ones that are used in the SSL Tutorial but instead of TCP with SSL use UDP with DTLS?
Our tutorial does not cover DTLS. You can take a look at our example echoserver and echoclient that comes with the wolfSSL library.
I realize that the tutorial does not cover DTLS. That is why I am asking if anyone knows of a straight forward way to change the echoclient/echoserver in the tutorial to use UPD with DTLS. I did look at the example echoserver and echoclient that comes with the CyaSSL library. There are so many #ifdef, etc that the code is extremely difficult to follow. I was hoping someone had already built a simple UPD server and client with DTLS and that they were willing to share what they did.
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → Converting SSL Tutorial to UDP with DTLS
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