Topic: ED25519 keys with X.509 certificate signing requests

Dear forum members,

We are looking for a solution to use ed25519 keys with X.509 certificates.

The "certgen/csr_example.c" demo in wolfssl-examples repo at github would be a promising starting point, but we are unsure if generation of "ed25519" X.509 CSR is possible, as the function wc_MakeCertReq() only takes in an RSA or ECC key.

Is ed25519 supported by wolfssl's X.509 implementation?

Best regards,


Re: ED25519 keys with X.509 certificate signing requests

I think I found the solution: wc_MakeCertReq_ex() lets me specify the key type, ED25519_TYPE.


Re: ED25519 keys with X.509 certificate signing requests

Hi janyman,

There is actually a PR open for this here:

I have some updates that need to be made to it before it gets merged but you can use the PR as a reference to get started.

Warm Regards,