Topic: [SOLVED] TLS connection using usb serial
i'd like to ask, if there are any examples (github, etc) of tls connection using usb serial.
I searched in section "wolfssl examples", but didn't find any.
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → [SOLVED] TLS connection using usb serial
i'd like to ask, if there are any examples (github, etc) of tls connection using usb serial.
I searched in section "wolfssl examples", but didn't find any.
Hi yighax2,
Check out our wolfssl-examples repo. We have a few examples that will help you with this: … -callbacks … master/tls
See the "-callback" TLS examples
These use our custom IO callbacks, which are set using:
wolfSSL_CTX_SetIORecv(ctx, my_IORecv);
wolfSSL_CTX_SetIOSend(ctx, my_IOSend);
You can also set a custom pointer context using:
wolfSSL_SetIOReadCtx(ssl, &recvCtx);
wolfSSL_SetIOWriteCtx(ssl, &sendCtx);
You can build with `WOLFSSL_USER_IO` to disable the internal "socket" handling and require use of these IO callbacks.
David Garske, wolfSSL
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → [SOLVED] TLS connection using usb serial
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