1 (edited by beaveryoga 2022-06-16 20:03:52)

Topic: EL8, EL9 FC36 packages of 5.3.0 in Copr

Hello everyone,

I have created a Copr repository for el8, el9, fc36 builds.
#> dnf copr enable beaveryoga/wolfSSL
https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs … a/wolfSSL/

I am using the same configure flags from the Debian package:

./configure --enable-distro --enable-pkcs11 --disable-examples --disable-silent-rules

The feature set should be the same as the Debian package. I did not apply any distro
patches from Debian so it is vanilla 5.3.0.



Re: EL8, EL9 FC36 packages of 5.3.0 in Copr

Hi beaveryoga,

Excellent, thanks for sharing this! Were there any issues or changes required?

Kind regards,
Eric @ wolfSSL Support

Re: EL8, EL9 FC36 packages of 5.3.0 in Copr

embhorn wrote:

Hi beaveryoga,

Excellent, thanks for sharing this! Were there any issues or changes required?

Kind regards,
Eric @ wolfSSL Support

No changes were needed: the ./configure and make install step were distro compatible.
