Missed that! Thanks Chris!


If I understand correctly, there isn't a way to pass a variable to the callback set by wolfSSL_SetIOSend / wolfSSL_SetIOReceive.

If possible, could you please add an extra parameter to the wolfSSL_SetIOSend / wolfSSL_SetIOReceive functions that will be passed to the callbacks?
It'll be easier to pass contexts, classes, etc...



The problem is - The callback is only being called if the SSL_Read function is called. The threads that are reading are receiving messages asynchronously, meaning I don't know when a message will be received...

One way I can think of is inserting the newly received message into a queue, and then calling to SSL_Read explicitly, overriding the read callback to get the message from the queue.
But that seems kind of crooked (And needs to be well designed thread-safety-wise)

The higher levels (i.e. the Business Logic that uses the TCP server) are built based on asynchronous messaging as well, so I'd like to keep the reading method as it is



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

I have my cookies enabled....

I replicated it on 2 computers using chrome (both signed in by me though)


I'm less concerned about thread safety since I can limit thread access per session. I'm just not sure about how can I use wolfSSL if my reads are done outside the library, and not through the SSL_Read function



I have tcp server which uses multiple threads for reading through an IO Completion Port. I want to add SSL to this server.

What, in your opinion, is the best way to do so?
The writes are less of a problem, but how do I decrypt a SSL packet without calling read?

For now, I've set the write and read callbacks using wolfSSL_SetIORecv / wolfSSL_SetIOSend.
I didn't implement the reads yet.
Also, the accept could be done to a new client before attaching it to the IOCP, so its not really a non-blocking IO...

What do you think?

EDIT: The reads are done through IOCP, so the threads are not blocked on recv() or select(), but on GetQueuedCompletionStatus()



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Okay here we go again

These are the details I'm trying to enter (which are completely made up)
Name: Nitay
Company: Nitay Inc.
Postiion: CEO
Email: nitay@mailinator.com
Phone: 454-487-5787
Comments: Nothing to say

I select wolfssl, and check the agreement - But I keep getting redirected back to the details page and the download doesn't start. No error message appears



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

It happened again today - I think that if you don't fill the upper fields properly it just redirects you back to the same details page without an error message (I didn't enter a phone number I believe)

It seem to allow downloading now, anyway



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Hi Chris,

The problem still persists
I'm using Windows 7 64bit
I'd be happy to help you debug the problem if needed



(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)

Yes that's the link

I'm using Chrome (27.0.1453.93 m)


(11 replies, posted in wolfSSL)


I'm trying to get to the download page, but it keeps redirecting me back to the information page (and it resets the information fields!)

How do i get a proper download link to wolfSSL embedded SSL?
