Topic: How to integrate wolfssl in project using cmake

Hi guys , I am a fresher embed engg. I am working on rpi-pico and ENC424J600 with vsCode IDE. i have downloaded latest wolfssl library and want to integrate it with my project. i want create client to interact with HTTPS. can someone guide me what changes do I have to make in Cmake to integrate wolfssl in my project.

p.s. I have already created my http client with dns.


Re: How to integrate wolfssl in project using cmake

Hi senergy,

Thanks for joining the wolfSSL Forums. Using VS Code to build wolfSSL is pretty straightforward. Since you are trying to build for the RPi, you will need to have the right tools to cross compile. VS Code makes setting the target easy. Here is a tutorial that you might find useful: … ca4976fdd1

Since you also contacted our support email, we will follow up from there.

Eric - wolfSSL Support