Topic: pthread error while building wolfSSL under MSYS2

I was trying to build wolfSSL under MSYS2 (ucrt) with the following flags:

--enable-quic --enable-session-ticket --enable-earlydata --enable-psk --enable-harden --enable-altcertchains

The configure process worked fine without any error, however the build process did not work, producing the following error:

I confirm that I was using the latest winpthreads library provided by MSYS2 (mingw-w64-x86_64-winpthreads-git 11.0.0.r198.g93ca95b32-1).


Re: pthread error while building wolfSSL under MSYS2

Hi shanoaice,

my name is Anthony and I am a member of the wolfSSL team. I am looking at the error output and the line numbers and content do not line up with what I am seeing in the wolfSSL repo on github.

If its not the newest, please consider using the newest code.

Please let me know your version and where you obtain your code for wolfSSL.

Warm regard, Anthony


Re: pthread error while building wolfSSL under MSYS2

Hi Anthony, this is the error log using the latest master branch:
