Topic: unknown type name 'time_t' unknown type name 'time_t' asn_public.h

I'm trying to compile on my windows machine but I'm not able to find out what is happening here:

#ifndef NO_ASN_TIME
/* Time */
/* Returns seconds (Epoch/UTC)
* timePtr: is "time_t", which is typically "long"
* Example:
    long lTime;
    rc = wc_GetTime(&lTime, (word32)sizeof(lTime));
WOLFSSL_API int wc_GetTime(void* timePtr, word32 timeSize);

typedef time_t (*wc_time_cb)(time_t* t);
WOLFSSL_API int wc_SetTimeCb(wc_time_cb f);
WOLFSSL_API time_t wc_Time(time_t* t);


Re: unknown type name 'time_t' unknown type name 'time_t' asn_public.h

Hi Sayeed,

My name is Anthony and I am a member of the wolfSSL team.  I'm not sure I understand your issue.  Can you give more details such as the compiler error message?

Warm regards, Anthony


Re: unknown type name 'time_t' unknown type name 'time_t' asn_public.h

Hello Anthony,

I greatly appreciate that you are looking into this. I'm currently working on building wolfssl package with my NXP BSP package. I'm using CodeWarrior as the IDE.

Please refer to the error log attached to this post.

