Topic: CALLBACKS define on windows
I tried to define WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS in windows OS with vs2012: C/C++ ->Preprocessor, but it didn't work, because in callback.h there is #include <sys/time.h>.
how can I fix this?
I would appreciate your help!
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ReferenceswolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → CALLBACKS define on windows
I tried to define WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS in windows OS with vs2012: C/C++ ->Preprocessor, but it didn't work, because in callback.h there is #include <sys/time.h>.
how can I fix this?
I would appreciate your help!
Hi Mor,
It looks like WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS doesn't currently support Windows, as like you noted, it uses <sys/time.h>. Will you need to use WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS? The handshake callback (WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS) is intended for embedded systems for debugging support. That is, when a good debugger isn't available and sniffing is impractical. It basically allows a trace of the handshake embedded SSL.
Thanks for your answer!
We have a problem during the client-server communication, where the server doesn't complete the SSL handshake. This cause the connect function to be stuck forever and it never returns.
We want to have a (blocking) connect function that we can call with a timeout, and if it doesn't able to complete the connection during that timeout, it simply returns with an error. Can I do that at all?
Because we failed to do the above, we thought of using the non-blocking connect call. The problem was, we couldn't compile it with WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS set. Can I do that without defining WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS?
Thanks again!
We have a problem during the client-server communication, where the server doesn't complete the SSL handshake. This cause the connect function to be stuck forever and it never returns.
Do you know where the SSL handshake is getting stuck? Have you turned on wolfSSL debug messages? You can do so by adding DEBUG_WOLFSSL to your preprocessor flags, then calling wolfSSL_Debugging_ON() / wolfSSL_Debugging_OFF() from your code.
We want to have a (blocking) connect function that we can call with a timeout, and if it doesn't able to complete the connection during that timeout, it simply returns with an error. Can I do that at all?
By default wolfSSL uses send() and recv() in its default I/O callbacks. You should be able to set a timeout value on your socket when you initially create it, using setsockopt().
Because we failed to do the above, we thought of using the non-blocking connect call. The problem was, we couldn't compile it with WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS set. Can I do that without defining WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS?
Yes, you can use non-blocking I/O without defining WOLFSSL_CALLBACKS. woflSSL can use either blocking or non-blocking I/O. See the API reference for wolfSSL_connect(), wolfSSL_accept(), wolfSSL_read(), or wolfSSL_write() for more info on how each works when non-blocking I/O is used.
Our example client and server are also set up to do non-blocking I/O when the "-N" command line option is used. Feel free to look at client.c or server.c for example usage.
Best Regards,
wolfSSL - Embedded SSL Library → wolfSSL → CALLBACKS define on windows
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