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wolfSSL Certificates and Keys


int wc_KeyPemToDer (const unsigned char *pem, int pemSz, unsigned char *buff, int buffSz, const char *pass)
 Converts a key in PEM format to DER format. More...
int wc_CertPemToDer (const unsigned char *pem, int pemSz, unsigned char *buff, int buffSz, int type)
 This function converts a PEM formatted certificate to DER format. Calls OpenSSL function PemToDer. More...
int wc_GetPubKeyDerFromCert (struct DecodedCert *cert, byte *derKey, word32 *derKeySz)
 This function gets the public key in DER format from a populated DecodedCert struct. Users must call wc_InitDecodedCert() and wc_ParseCert() before calling this API. wc_InitDecodedCert() accepts a DER/ASN.1 encoded certificate. To convert a PEM cert to DER, first use wc_CertPemToDer() before calling wc_InitDecodedCert(). More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_file (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, int format)
 This function loads a certificate file into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). The file is provided by the file argument. The format argument specifies the format type of the file, either SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, int format)
 This function loads a private key file into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). The file is provided by the file argument. The format argument specifies the format type of the file - SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, const char *path)
 This function loads PEM-formatted CA certificate files into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). These certificates will be treated as trusted root certificates and used to verify certs received from peers during the SSL handshake. The root certificate file, provided by the file argument, may be a single certificate or a file containing multiple certificates. If multiple CA certs are included in the same file, wolfSSL will load them in the same order they are presented in the file. The path argument is a pointer to the name of a directory that contains certificates of trusted root CAs. If the value of file is not NULL, path may be specified as NULL if not needed. If path is specified and NO_WOLFSSL_DIR was not defined when building the library, wolfSSL will load all CA certificates located in the given directory. This function will attempt to load all files in the directory. This function expects PEM formatted CERT_TYPE file with header “--—BEGIN CERTIFICATE--—”. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations_ex (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, const char *path, unsigned int flags)
 This function loads PEM-formatted CA certificate files into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). These certificates will be treated as trusted root certificates and used to verify certs received from peers during the SSL handshake. The root certificate file, provided by the file argument, may be a single certificate or a file containing multiple certificates. If multiple CA certs are included in the same file, wolfSSL will load them in the same order they are presented in the file. The path argument is a pointer to the name of a directory that contains certificates of trusted root CAs. If the value of file is not NULL, path may be specified as NULL if not needed. If path is specified and NO_WOLFSSL_DIR was not defined when building the library, wolfSSL will load all CA certificates located in the given directory. This function will attempt to load all files in the directory based on flags specified. This function expects PEM formatted CERT_TYPE files with header “--—BEGIN CERTIFICATE--—”. More...
const char ** wolfSSL_get_system_CA_dirs (word32 *num)
 This function returns a pointer to an array of strings representing directories wolfSSL will search for system CA certs when wolfSSL_CTX_load_system_CA_certs is called. On systems that don't store certificates in an accessible system directory (such as Apple platforms), this function will always return NULL. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_system_CA_certs (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx)
 On most platforms (including Linux and Windows), this function attempts to load CA certificates into a WOLFSSL_CTX from an OS-dependent CA certificate store. Loaded certificates will be trusted. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file)
 This function loads a chain of certificates into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). The file containing the certificate chain is provided by the file argument, and must contain PEM-formatted certificates. This function will process up to MAX_CHAIN_DEPTH (default = 9, defined in internal.h) certificates, plus the subject cert. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_der_load_verify_locations (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, int format)
 This function is similar to wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations, but allows the loading of DER-formatted CA files into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). It may still be used to load PEM-formatted CA files as well. These certificates will be treated as trusted root certificates and used to verify certs received from peers during the SSL handshake. The root certificate file, provided by the file argument, may be a single certificate or a file containing multiple certificates. If multiple CA certs are included in the same file, wolfSSL will load them in the same order they are presented in the file. The format argument specifies the format which the certificates are in either, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 (DER). Unlike wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations, this function does not allow the loading of CA certificates from a given directory path. Note that this function is only available when the wolfSSL library was compiled with WOLFSSL_DER_LOAD defined. More...
void wolfSSL_SetCertCbCtx (WOLFSSL *ssl, void *ctx)
 This function stores user CTX object information for verify callback. More...
void wolfSSL_CTX_SetCertCbCtx (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, void *userCtx)
 This function stores user CTX object information for verify callback. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_save_cert_cache (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *fname)
 This function writes the cert cache from memory to file. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_restore_cert_cache (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *fname)
 This function persistes certificate cache from a file. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_memsave_cert_cache (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, void *mem, int sz, int *used)
 This function persists the certificate cache to memory. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_get_cert_cache_memsize (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx)
 Returns the size the certificate cache save buffer needs to be. More...
char * wolfSSL_X509_NAME_oneline (WOLFSSL_X509_NAME *name, char *in, int sz)
 This function copies the name of the x509 into a buffer. More...
WOLFSSL_X509_NAME * wolfSSL_X509_get_issuer_name (WOLFSSL_X509 *cert)
 This function returns the name of the certificate issuer. More...
WOLFSSL_X509_NAME * wolfSSL_X509_get_subject_name (WOLFSSL_X509 *cert)
 This function returns the subject member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure. More...
int wolfSSL_X509_get_isCA (WOLFSSL_X509 *cert)
 Checks the isCa member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure and returns the value. More...
int wolfSSL_X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID (WOLFSSL_X509_NAME *name, int nid, char *buf, int len)
 This function gets the text related to the passed in NID value. More...
int wolfSSL_X509_get_signature_type (WOLFSSL_X509 *cert)
 This function returns the value stored in the sigOID member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure. More...
int wolfSSL_X509_get_signature (WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, unsigned char *buf, int *bufSz)
 Gets the X509 signature and stores it in the buffer. More...
int wolfSSL_X509_STORE_add_cert (WOLFSSL_X509_STORE *store, WOLFSSL_X509 *x509)
 This function adds a certificate to the WOLFSSL_X509_STRE structure. More...
 This function is a getter function for chain variable in WOLFSSL_X509_STORE_CTX structure. Currently chain is not populated. More...
int wolfSSL_X509_STORE_set_flags (WOLFSSL_X509_STORE *store, unsigned long flag)
 This function takes in a flag to change the behavior of the WOLFSSL_X509_STORE structure passed in. An example of a flag used is WOLFSSL_CRL_CHECK. More...
const byte * wolfSSL_X509_notBefore (WOLFSSL_X509 *x509)
 This function the certificate "not before" validity encoded as a byte array. More...
const byte * wolfSSL_X509_notAfter (WOLFSSL_X509 *x509)
 This function the certificate "not after" validity encoded as a byte array. More...
const char * wolfSSL_get_psk_identity_hint (const WOLFSSL *)
 This function returns the psk identity hint. More...
const char * wolfSSL_get_psk_identity (const WOLFSSL *)
 The function returns a constant pointer to the client_identity member of the Arrays structure. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *hint)
 This function stores the hint argument in the server_hint member of the WOLFSSL_CTX structure. More...
int wolfSSL_use_psk_identity_hint (WOLFSSL *ssl, const char *hint)
 This function stores the hint argument in the server_hint member of the Arrays structure within the WOLFSSL structure. More...
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_get_peer_certificate (WOLFSSL *ssl)
 This function gets the peer’s certificate. More...
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_get_chain_X509 (WOLFSSL_X509_CHAIN *chain, int idx)
 This function gets the peer’s wolfSSL_X509_certificate at index (idx) from the chain of certificates. More...
char * wolfSSL_X509_get_subjectCN (WOLFSSL_X509 *)
 Returns the common name of the subject from the certificate. More...
const unsigned char * wolfSSL_X509_get_der (WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, int *outSz)
 This function gets the DER encoded certificate in the WOLFSSL_X509 struct. More...
WOLFSSL_ASN1_TIME * wolfSSL_X509_get_notAfter (WOLFSSL_X509 *)
 This function checks to see if x509 is NULL and if it’s not, it returns the notAfter member of the x509 struct. More...
int wolfSSL_X509_version (WOLFSSL_X509 *)
 This function retrieves the version of the X509 certificate. More...
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_X509_d2i_fp (WOLFSSL_X509 **x509, FILE *file)
 If NO_STDIO_FILESYSTEM is defined this function will allocate heap memory, initialize a WOLFSSL_X509 structure and return a pointer to it. More...
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_X509_load_certificate_file (const char *fname, int format)
 The function loads the x509 certificate into memory. More...
unsigned char * wolfSSL_X509_get_device_type (WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, unsigned char *in, int *inOutSz)
 This function copies the device type from the x509 structure to the buffer. More...
unsigned char * wolfSSL_X509_get_hw_type (WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, unsigned char *in, int *inOutSz)
 The function copies the hwType member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure to the buffer. More...
unsigned char * wolfSSL_X509_get_hw_serial_number (WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, unsigned char *in, int *inOutSz)
 This function returns the hwSerialNum member of the x509 object. More...
int wolfSSL_SetTmpDH (WOLFSSL *ssl, const unsigned char *p, int pSz, const unsigned char *g, int gSz)
 Server Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral parameters setting. This function sets up the group parameters to be used if the server negotiates a cipher suite that uses DHE. More...
int wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer (WOLFSSL *ssl, const unsigned char *b, long sz, int format)
 The function calls the wolfSSL_SetTMpDH_buffer_wrapper, which is a wrapper for Diffie-Hellman parameters. More...
int wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file (WOLFSSL *ssl, const char *f, int format)
 This function calls wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper to set server Diffie-Hellman parameters. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *p, int pSz, const unsigned char *g, int gSz)
 Sets the parameters for the server CTX Diffie-Hellman. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH_buffer (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *b, long sz, int format)
 A wrapper function that calls wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer_wrapper. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH_file (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *f, int format)
 The function calls wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper to set the server Diffie-Hellman parameters. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinDhKey_Sz (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, word16)
 This function sets the minimum size (in bits) of the Diffie Hellman key size by accessing the minDhKeySz member in the WOLFSSL_CTX structure. More...
int wolfSSL_SetMinDhKey_Sz (WOLFSSL *ssl, word16 keySz_bits)
 Sets the minimum size (in bits) for a Diffie-Hellman key in the WOLFSSL structure. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMaxDhKey_Sz (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, word16 keySz_bits)
 This function sets the maximum size (in bits) of the Diffie Hellman key size by accessing the maxDhKeySz member in the WOLFSSL_CTX structure. More...
int wolfSSL_SetMaxDhKey_Sz (WOLFSSL *ssl, word16 keySz_bits)
 Sets the maximum size (in bits) for a Diffie-Hellman key in the WOLFSSL structure. More...
int wolfSSL_GetDhKey_Sz (WOLFSSL *)
 Returns the value of dhKeySz (in bits) that is a member of the options structure. This value represents the Diffie-Hellman key size in bytes. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinRsaKey_Sz (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, short keySz)
 Sets the minimum RSA key size in both the WOLFSSL_CTX structure and the WOLFSSL_CERT_MANAGER structure. More...
int wolfSSL_SetMinRsaKey_Sz (WOLFSSL *ssl, short keySz)
 Sets the minimum allowable key size in bits for RSA located in the WOLFSSL structure. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinEccKey_Sz (WOLFSSL_CTX *ssl, short keySz)
 Sets the minimum size in bits for the ECC key in the WOLF_CTX structure and the WOLFSSL_CERT_MANAGER structure. More...
int wolfSSL_SetMinEccKey_Sz (WOLFSSL *ssl, short keySz)
 Sets the value of the minEccKeySz member of the options structure. The options struct is a member of the WOLFSSL structure and is accessed through the ssl parameter. More...
int wolfSSL_make_eap_keys (WOLFSSL *ssl, void *key, unsigned int len, const char *label)
 This function is used by EAP_TLS and EAP-TTLS to derive keying material from the master secret. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
 This function loads a CA certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. More than one CA certificate may be loaded per buffer as long as the format is in PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer_ex (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format, int userChain, word32 flags)
 This function loads a CA certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. More than one CA certificate may be loaded per buffer as long as the format is in PEM. The _ex version was added in PR 2413 and supports additional arguments for userChain and flags. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_chain_buffer_format (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
 This function loads a CA certificate chain buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. More than one CA certificate may be loaded per buffer as long as the format is in PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_buffer (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
 This function loads a certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_buffer (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
 This function loads a private key buffer into the SSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage. More...
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_buffer (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz)
 This function loads a certificate chain buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. The buffer must be in PEM format and start with the subject’s certificate, ending with the root certificate. Please see the examples for proper usage. More...
int wolfSSL_use_certificate_buffer (WOLFSSL *ssl, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
 This function loads a certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL object. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage. More...
int wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer (WOLFSSL *ssl, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
 This function loads a private key buffer into the WOLFSSL object. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage. More...
int wolfSSL_use_certificate_chain_buffer (WOLFSSL *ssl, const unsigned char *in, long sz)
 This function loads a certificate chain buffer into the WOLFSSL object. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. The buffer must be in PEM format and start with the subject’s certificate, ending with the root certificate. Please see the examples for proper usage. More...
int wolfSSL_UnloadCertsKeys (WOLFSSL *)
 This function unloads any certificates or keys that SSL owns. More...
int wolfSSL_GetIVSize (WOLFSSL *)
 Returns the iv_size member of the specs structure held in the WOLFSSL struct. More...
void wolfSSL_KeepArrays (WOLFSSL *)
 Normally, at the end of the SSL handshake, wolfSSL frees temporary arrays. Calling this function before the handshake begins will prevent wolfSSL from freeing temporary arrays. Temporary arrays may be needed for things such as wolfSSL_get_keys() or PSK hints. When the user is done with temporary arrays, either wolfSSL_FreeArrays() may be called to free the resources immediately, or alternatively the resources will be freed when the associated SSL object is freed. More...
void wolfSSL_FreeArrays (WOLFSSL *)
 Normally, at the end of the SSL handshake, wolfSSL frees temporary arrays. If wolfSSL_KeepArrays() has been called before the handshake, wolfSSL will not free temporary arrays. This function explicitly frees temporary arrays and should be called when the user is done with temporary arrays and does not want to wait for the SSL object to be freed to free these resources. More...
int wolfSSL_DeriveTlsKeys (unsigned char *key_data, word32 keyLen, const unsigned char *ms, word32 msLen, const unsigned char *sr, const unsigned char *cr, int tls1_2, int hash_type)
 An external facing wrapper to derive TLS Keys. More...
int wolfSSL_X509_get_ext_by_NID (const WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, int nid, int lastPos)
 This function looks for and returns the extension index matching the passed in NID value. More...
void * wolfSSL_X509_get_ext_d2i (const WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, int nid, int *c, int *idx)
 This function looks for and returns the extension matching the passed in NID value. More...
int wolfSSL_X509_digest (const WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, const WOLFSSL_EVP_MD *digest, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int *len)
 This function returns the hash of the DER certificate. More...
int wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey (WOLFSSL *ssl, WOLFSSL_EVP_PKEY *pkey)
 This is used to set the private key for the WOLFSSL structure. More...
int wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1 (int pri, WOLFSSL *ssl, unsigned char *der, long derSz)
 This is used to set the private key for the WOLFSSL structure. A DER formatted key buffer is expected. More...
int wolfSSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1 (WOLFSSL *ssl, unsigned char *der, long derSz)
 This is used to set the private key for the WOLFSSL structure. A DER formatted RSA key buffer is expected. More...
WOLFSSL_DH * wolfSSL_DSA_dup_DH (const WOLFSSL_DSA *r)
 This function duplicates the parameters in dsa to a newly created WOLFSSL_DH structure. More...
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_d2i_X509_bio (WOLFSSL_BIO *bio, WOLFSSL_X509 **x509)
 This function get the DER buffer from bio and converts it to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure. More...
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX (WOLFSSL_BIO *bp, WOLFSSL_X509 **x, wc_pem_password_cb *cb, void *u)
 This function behaves the same as wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_X509. AUX signifies containing extra information such as trusted/rejected use cases and friendly name for human readability. More...
long wolfSSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh (WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, WOLFSSL_DH *dh)
 Initializes the WOLFSSL_CTX structure’s dh member with the Diffie-Hellman parameters. More...
WOLFSSL_DSA * wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_DSAparams (WOLFSSL_BIO *bp, WOLFSSL_DSA **x, wc_pem_password_cb *cb, void *u)
 This function get the DSA parameters from a PEM buffer in bio. More...
 WOLF_STACK_OF (WOLFSSL_X509) *wolfSSL_get_peer_cert_chain(const WOLFSSL *)
 This function gets the peer’s certificate chain. More...
char * wolfSSL_X509_get_next_altname (WOLFSSL_X509 *)
 This function returns the next, if any, altname from the peer certificate. More...
WOLFSSL_ASN1_TIME * wolfSSL_X509_get_notBefore (WOLFSSL_X509 *)
 The function checks to see if x509 is NULL and if it’s not, it returns the notBefore member of the x509 struct. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ wc_CertPemToDer()

int wc_CertPemToDer ( const unsigned char *  pem,
int  pemSz,
unsigned char *  buff,
int  buffSz,
int  type 

This function converts a PEM formatted certificate to DER format. Calls OpenSSL function PemToDer.

buffer returns the bytes written to the buffer.
pempointer PEM formatted certificate.
pemSzsize of the certificate.
buffbuffer to be copied to DER format.
buffSzsize of the buffer.
typeCertificate file type found in asn_public.h enum CertType.


const unsigned char* pem;
int pemSz;
unsigned char buff[BUFSIZE];
int buffSz = sizeof(buff)/sizeof(char);
int type;
if(wc_CertPemToDer(pem, pemSz, buff, buffSz, type) <= 0) {
// There were bytes written to buffer
int wc_CertPemToDer(const unsigned char *pem, int pemSz, unsigned char *buff, int buffSz, int type)
This function converts a PEM formatted certificate to DER format. Calls OpenSSL function PemToDer.
See also

◆ wc_GetPubKeyDerFromCert()

int wc_GetPubKeyDerFromCert ( struct DecodedCert *  cert,
byte *  derKey,
word32 *  derKeySz 

This function gets the public key in DER format from a populated DecodedCert struct. Users must call wc_InitDecodedCert() and wc_ParseCert() before calling this API. wc_InitDecodedCert() accepts a DER/ASN.1 encoded certificate. To convert a PEM cert to DER, first use wc_CertPemToDer() before calling wc_InitDecodedCert().

0 on success, negative on error. LENGTH_ONLY_E if derKey is NULL and returning length only.
certpopulated DecodedCert struct holding X.509 certificate
derKeyoutput buffer to place DER encoded public key
derKeySz[IN/OUT] size of derKey buffer on input, size of public key on return. If derKey is passed in as NULL, derKeySz will be set to required buffer size for public key and LENGTH_ONLY_E will be returned from function.
See also

◆ wc_KeyPemToDer()

int wc_KeyPemToDer ( const unsigned char *  pem,
int  pemSz,
unsigned char *  buff,
int  buffSz,
const char *  pass 

Converts a key in PEM format to DER format.

int the function returns the number of bytes written to the buffer on successful execution.
int negative int returned indicating an error.
pema pointer to the PEM encoded certificate.
pemSzthe size of the PEM buffer (pem)
buffa pointer to the copy of the buffer member of the DerBuffer struct.
buffSzsize of the buffer space allocated in the DerBuffer struct.
passpassword passed into the function.


byte* loadBuf;
long fileSz = 0;
byte* bufSz;
static int LoadKeyFile(byte** keyBuf, word32* keyBufSz,
const char* keyFile,
int typeKey, const char* password);
bufSz = wc_KeyPemToDer(loadBuf, (int)fileSz, saveBuf,
(int)fileSz, password);
if(saveBufSz > 0){
// Bytes were written to the buffer.
int wc_KeyPemToDer(const unsigned char *pem, int pemSz, unsigned char *buff, int buffSz, const char *pass)
Converts a key in PEM format to DER format.
See also



This function gets the peer’s certificate chain.

pointer returns a pointer to the peer’s Certificate stack.
NULL returned if no peer certificate.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( method );
WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
STACK_OF(WOLFSSL_X509)* chain = wolfSSL_get_peer_cert_chain(ssl);
// You have a pointer to the peer certificate chain
This function creates a new SSL session, taking an already created SSL context as input.
This function creates a new SSL context, taking a desired SSL/TLS protocol method for input.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_der_load_verify_locations()

int wolfSSL_CTX_der_load_verify_locations ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const char *  file,
int  format 

This function is similar to wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations, but allows the loading of DER-formatted CA files into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). It may still be used to load PEM-formatted CA files as well. These certificates will be treated as trusted root certificates and used to verify certs received from peers during the SSL handshake. The root certificate file, provided by the file argument, may be a single certificate or a file containing multiple certificates. If multiple CA certs are included in the same file, wolfSSL will load them in the same order they are presented in the file. The format argument specifies the format which the certificates are in either, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 (DER). Unlike wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations, this function does not allow the loading of CA certificates from a given directory path. Note that this function is only available when the wolfSSL library was compiled with WOLFSSL_DER_LOAD defined.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success.
SSL_FAILURE upon failure.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new()
filea pointer to the name of the file containing the CA certificates to be loaded into the wolfSSL SSL context, with format as specified by format.
formatthe encoding type of the certificates specified by file. Possible values include SSL_FILETYPE_PEM and SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.


int ret = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_der_load_verify_locations(ctx, “./ca-cert.der”,
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading CA certs
int wolfSSL_CTX_der_load_verify_locations(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, int format)
This function is similar to wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations, but allows the loading of DER-formatte...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_get_cert_cache_memsize()

int wolfSSL_CTX_get_cert_cache_memsize ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx)

Returns the size the certificate cache save buffer needs to be.

int integer value returned representing the memory size upon success.
BAD_FUNC_ARG is returned if the WOLFSSL_CTX struct is NULL.
BAD_MUTEX_E - returned if there was a mutex lock error.
ctxa pointer to a wolfSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new().


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = WOLFSSL_CTX_new(protocol);
int certCacheSize = wolfSSL_CTX_get_cert_cache_memsize(ctx);
if(certCacheSize != BAD_FUNC_ARG || certCacheSize != BAD_MUTEX_E){
// Successfully retrieved the memory size.
int wolfSSL_CTX_get_cert_cache_memsize(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx)
Returns the size the certificate cache save buffer needs to be.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_load_system_CA_certs()

int wolfSSL_CTX_load_system_CA_certs ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx)

On most platforms (including Linux and Windows), this function attempts to load CA certificates into a WOLFSSL_CTX from an OS-dependent CA certificate store. Loaded certificates will be trusted.

On Apple platforms (excluding macOS), certificates can't be obtained from the system, and therefore cannot be loaded into the wolfSSL certificate manager. For these platforms, this function enables TLS connections bound to the WOLFSSL_CTX to use the native system trust APIs to verify authenticity of the peer certificate chain if the authenticity of the peer cannot first be authenticated against certificates loaded by the user.

The platforms supported and tested are: Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Fedora, RHEL), Windows 10/11, Android, macOS, and iOS.

WOLFSSL_BAD_PATH if no system CA certs were loaded.
WOLFSSL_FAILURE for other failure types (e.g. Windows cert store wasn't properly closed).
ctxpointer to the SSL context, created with wolfSSL_CTX_new().


int ret = 0;
if (ret != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading system CA certs
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_system_CA_certs(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx)
On most platforms (including Linux and Windows), this function attempts to load CA certificates into ...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer()

int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  in,
long  sz,
int  format 

This function loads a CA certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. More than one CA certificate may be loaded per buffer as long as the format is in PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
BUFFER_E will be returned if a chain buffer is bigger than the receiving buffer.
ctxpointer to the SSL context, created with wolfSSL_CTX_new().
inpointer to the CA certificate buffer.
szsize of the input CA certificate buffer, in.
formatformat of the buffer certificate, either SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.


int ret = 0;
int sz = 0;
byte certBuff[...];
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer(ctx, certBuff, sz, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading CA certs from buffer
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
This function loads a CA certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffere...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer_ex()

int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer_ex ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  in,
long  sz,
int  format,
int  userChain,
word32  flags 

This function loads a CA certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. More than one CA certificate may be loaded per buffer as long as the format is in PEM. The _ex version was added in PR 2413 and supports additional arguments for userChain and flags.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
BUFFER_E will be returned if a chain buffer is bigger than the receiving buffer.
ctxpointer to the SSL context, created with wolfSSL_CTX_new().
inpointer to the CA certificate buffer.
szsize of the input CA certificate buffer, in.
formatformat of the buffer certificate, either SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.
userChainIf using format WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 this set to non-zero indicates a chain of DER's is being presented.


int ret = 0;
int sz = 0;
byte certBuff[...];
// Example for force loading an expired certificate
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer_ex(ctx, certBuff, sz, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM,
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading CA certs from buffer
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer_ex(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format, int userChain, word32 flags)
This function loads a CA certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffere...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_chain_buffer_format()

int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_chain_buffer_format ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  in,
long  sz,
int  format 

This function loads a CA certificate chain buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. More than one CA certificate may be loaded per buffer as long as the format is in PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
BUFFER_E will be returned if a chain buffer is bigger than the receiving buffer.
ctxpointer to the SSL context, created with wolfSSL_CTX_new().
inpointer to the CA certificate buffer.
szsize of the input CA certificate buffer, in.
formatformat of the buffer certificate, either SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.


int ret = 0;
int sz = 0;
byte certBuff[...];
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading CA certs from buffer
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_chain_buffer_format(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
This function loads a CA certificate chain buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-b...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations()

int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const char *  file,
const char *  path 

This function loads PEM-formatted CA certificate files into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). These certificates will be treated as trusted root certificates and used to verify certs received from peers during the SSL handshake. The root certificate file, provided by the file argument, may be a single certificate or a file containing multiple certificates. If multiple CA certs are included in the same file, wolfSSL will load them in the same order they are presented in the file. The path argument is a pointer to the name of a directory that contains certificates of trusted root CAs. If the value of file is not NULL, path may be specified as NULL if not needed. If path is specified and NO_WOLFSSL_DIR was not defined when building the library, wolfSSL will load all CA certificates located in the given directory. This function will attempt to load all files in the directory. This function expects PEM formatted CERT_TYPE file with header “--—BEGIN CERTIFICATE--—”.

SSL_SUCCESS up success.
SSL_FAILURE will be returned if ctx is NULL, or if both file and path are NULL.
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E will be returned if the current date is before the before date.
ASN_AFTER_DATE_E will be returned if the current date is after the after date.
BUFFER_E will be returned if a chain buffer is bigger than the receiving buffer.
BAD_PATH_ERROR will be returned if opendir() fails when trying to open path.
ctxpointer to the SSL context, created with wolfSSL_CTX_new().
filepointer to name of the file containing PEM-formatted CA certificates.
pathpointer to the name of a directory to load PEM-formatted certificates from.


int ret = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, “./ca-cert.pem”, NULL);
if (ret != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading CA certs
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, const char *path)
This function loads PEM-formatted CA certificate files into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX)....
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations_ex()

int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations_ex ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const char *  file,
const char *  path,
unsigned int  flags 

This function loads PEM-formatted CA certificate files into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). These certificates will be treated as trusted root certificates and used to verify certs received from peers during the SSL handshake. The root certificate file, provided by the file argument, may be a single certificate or a file containing multiple certificates. If multiple CA certs are included in the same file, wolfSSL will load them in the same order they are presented in the file. The path argument is a pointer to the name of a directory that contains certificates of trusted root CAs. If the value of file is not NULL, path may be specified as NULL if not needed. If path is specified and NO_WOLFSSL_DIR was not defined when building the library, wolfSSL will load all CA certificates located in the given directory. This function will attempt to load all files in the directory based on flags specified. This function expects PEM formatted CERT_TYPE files with header “--—BEGIN CERTIFICATE--—”.

SSL_SUCCESS up success.
SSL_FAILURE will be returned if ctx is NULL, or if both file and path are NULL. This will also be returned if at least one cert is loaded successfully but there is one or more that failed. Check error stack for reason.
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
BUFFER_E will be returned if a chain buffer is bigger than the receiving buffer.
BAD_PATH_ERROR will be returned if opendir() fails when trying to open path.
ctxpointer to the SSL context, created with wolfSSL_CTX_new().
filepointer to name of the file containing PEM-formatted CA certificates.
pathpointer to the name of a directory to load PEM-formatted certificates from.


int ret = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations_ex(ctx, NULL, “./certs/external",
if (ret != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading CA certs
int wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations_ex(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, const char *path, unsigned int flags)
This function loads PEM-formatted CA certificate files into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX)....
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_memsave_cert_cache()

int wolfSSL_CTX_memsave_cert_cache ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
void *  mem,
int  sz,
int *  used 

This function persists the certificate cache to memory.

SSL_SUCCESS returned on successful execution of the function. No errors were thrown.
BAD_MUTEX_E mutex error where the WOLFSSL_CERT_MANAGER member caLock was not 0 (zero).
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if ctx, mem, or used is NULL or if sz is less than or equal to 0 (zero).
BUFFER_E output buffer mem was too small.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new().
mema void pointer to the destination (output buffer).
szthe size of the output buffer.
useda pointer to size of the cert cache header.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = WOLFSSL_CTX_new( protocol );
void* mem;
int sz;
int* used;
if(wolfSSL_CTX_memsave_cert_cache(ctx, mem, sz, used) != SSL_SUCCESS){
// The function returned with an error
int wolfSSL_CTX_memsave_cert_cache(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, void *mem, int sz, int *used)
This function persists the certificate cache to memory.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_restore_cert_cache()

int wolfSSL_CTX_restore_cert_cache ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const char *  fname 

This function persistes certificate cache from a file.

SSL_SUCCESS returned if the function, CM_RestoreCertCache, executes normally.
SSL_BAD_FILE returned if XFOPEN returns XBADFILE. The file is corrupted.
MEMORY_E returned if the allocated memory for the temp buffer fails.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if fname or ctx have a NULL value.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, holding the certificate information.
fnamea constant char pointer that points to a file for reading.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( protocol method );
WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
const char* fname = "path to file";
// check to see if the execution was successful
int wolfSSL_CTX_restore_cert_cache(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *fname)
This function persistes certificate cache from a file.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_save_cert_cache()

int wolfSSL_CTX_save_cert_cache ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const char *  fname 

This function writes the cert cache from memory to file.

SSL_SUCCESS if CM_SaveCertCache exits normally.
BAD_FUNC_ARG is returned if either of the arguments are NULL.
SSL_BAD_FILE if the cert cache save file could not be opened.
BAD_MUTEX_E if the lock mutex failed.
MEMORY_E the allocation of memory failed.
FWRITE_ERROR Certificate cache file write failed.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, holding the certificate information.
fnamea constant char pointer that points to a file for writing.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = WOLFSSL_CTX_new( protocol def );
const char* fname;
// file was written.
int wolfSSL_CTX_save_cert_cache(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *fname)
This function writes the cert cache from memory to file.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh()

long wolfSSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,

Initializes the WOLFSSL_CTX structure’s dh member with the Diffie-Hellman parameters.

SSL_SUCCESS returned if the function executed successfully.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the ctx or dh structures are NULL.
SSL_FATAL_ERROR returned if there was an error setting a structure value.
MEMORY_E returned if their was a failure to allocate memory.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new().
dha pointer to a WOLFSSL_DH structure.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( protocol method );
return wolfSSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx, dh);
long wolfSSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, WOLFSSL_DH *dh)
Initializes the WOLFSSL_CTX structure’s dh member with the Diffie-Hellman parameters.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_SetCertCbCtx()

void wolfSSL_CTX_SetCertCbCtx ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
void *  userCtx 

This function stores user CTX object information for verify callback.

none No return.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure.
userCtxa void pointer that is used to set WOLFSSL_CTX structure’s verifyCbCtx member’s value.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( method );
void* userCtx = NULL; // Assign some user defined context
if(ctx != NULL){
wolfSSL_SetCertCbCtx(ctx, userCtx);
} else {
// Error case, the SSL is not initialized properly.
void wolfSSL_SetCertCbCtx(WOLFSSL *ssl, void *ctx)
This function stores user CTX object information for verify callback.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_SetMaxDhKey_Sz()

int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMaxDhKey_Sz ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
word16  keySz_bits 

This function sets the maximum size (in bits) of the Diffie Hellman key size by accessing the maxDhKeySz member in the WOLFSSL_CTX structure.

SSL_SUCCESS returned if the function completes successfully.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the WOLFSSL_CTX struct is NULL or if the keySz_bits is greater than 16,000 or not divisible by 8.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
keySz_bitsa word16 type used to set the maximum DH key size in bits. The WOLFSSL_CTX struct holds this information in the maxDhKeySz member.


public static int CTX_SetMaxDhKey_Sz(IntPtr ctx, short maxDhKey){
return wolfSSL_CTX_SetMaxDhKey_Sz(local_ctx, keySz_bits);
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMaxDhKey_Sz(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, word16 keySz_bits)
This function sets the maximum size (in bits) of the Diffie Hellman key size by accessing the maxDhKe...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinDhKey_Sz()

int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinDhKey_Sz ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,

This function sets the minimum size (in bits) of the Diffie Hellman key size by accessing the minDhKeySz member in the WOLFSSL_CTX structure.

SSL_SUCCESS returned if the function completes successfully.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the WOLFSSL_CTX struct is NULL or if the keySz_bits is greater than 16,000 or not divisible by 8.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
keySz_bitsa word16 type used to set the minimum DH key size in bits. The WOLFSSL_CTX struct holds this information in the minDhKeySz member.


public static int CTX_SetMinDhKey_Sz(IntPtr ctx, short minDhKey){
return wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinDhKey_Sz(local_ctx, minDhKeyBits);
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinDhKey_Sz(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, word16)
This function sets the minimum size (in bits) of the Diffie Hellman key size by accessing the minDhKe...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinEccKey_Sz()

int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinEccKey_Sz ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ssl,
short  keySz 

Sets the minimum size in bits for the ECC key in the WOLF_CTX structure and the WOLFSSL_CERT_MANAGER structure.

SSL_SUCCESS returned for a successful execution and the minEccKeySz member is set.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the WOLFSSL_CTX struct is NULL or if the keySz is negative or not divisible by 8.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new().
keySza short integer type that represents the minimum ECC key size in bits.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( protocol method );
short keySz; // minimum key size
if(wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinEccKey(ctx, keySz) != SSL_SUCCESS){
// Failed to set min key size
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinRsaKey_Sz()

int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinRsaKey_Sz ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
short  keySz 

Sets the minimum RSA key size in both the WOLFSSL_CTX structure and the WOLFSSL_CERT_MANAGER structure.

SSL_SUCCESS returned on successful execution of the function.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the ctx structure is NULL or the keySz is less than zero or not divisible by 8.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new().
keySza short integer type stored in minRsaKeySz in the ctx structure and the cm structure converted to bytes.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method);
ourCert = myoptarg;
minDhKeyBits = atoi(myoptarg);
if(wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinRsaKey_Sz(ctx, minRsaKeyBits) != SSL_SUCCESS){
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetMinRsaKey_Sz(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, short keySz)
Sets the minimum RSA key size in both the WOLFSSL_CTX structure and the WOLFSSL_CERT_MANAGER structur...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH()

int wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  p,
int  pSz,
const unsigned char *  g,
int  gSz 

Sets the parameters for the server CTX Diffie-Hellman.

SSL_SUCCESS returned if the function and all subroutines return without error.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the CTX, p or g parameters are NULL.
DH_KEY_SIZE_E returned if the DH parameter's key size is less than the value of the minDhKeySz member of the WOLFSSL_CTX struct.
DH_KEY_SIZE_E returned if the DH parameter's key size is greater than the value of the maxDhKeySz member of the WOLFSSL_CTX struct.
MEMORY_E returned if the allocation of memory failed in this function or a subroutine.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new().
pa constant unsigned char pointer loaded into the buffer member of the serverDH_P struct.
pSzan int type representing the size of p, initialized to MAX_DH_SIZE.
ga constant unsigned char pointer loaded into the buffer member of the serverDH_G struct.
gSzan int type representing the size of g, initialized to MAX_DH_SIZE.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = WOLFSSL_CTX_new( protocol );
byte* p;
byte* g;
word32 pSz = (word32)sizeof(p)/sizeof(byte);
word32 gSz = (word32)sizeof(g)/sizeof(byte);
int ret = wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH(ctx, p, pSz, g, gSz);
if(ret != SSL_SUCCESS){
// Failure case
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *p, int pSz, const unsigned char *g, int gSz)
Sets the parameters for the server CTX Diffie-Hellman.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH_buffer()

int wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH_buffer ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  b,
long  sz,
int  format 

A wrapper function that calls wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer_wrapper.

0 returned for a successful execution.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the ctx or buf parameters are NULL.
MEMORY_E if there is a memory allocation error.
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE returned if format is not correct.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new().
bufa pointer to a constant unsigned char type that is allocated as the buffer and passed through to wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer_wrapper.
sza long integer type that is derived from the fname parameter in wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper().
formatan integer type passed through from wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper().


static int wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper(WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx, WOLFSSL* ssl,
Const char* fname, int format);
byte staticBuffer[1]; // force heap usage
byte* staticBuffer;
long sz = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer(ssl, myBuffer, sz, format);
} else {
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH_buffer(ctx, myBuffer, sz, format);
int wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer(WOLFSSL *ssl, const unsigned char *b, long sz, int format)
The function calls the wolfSSL_SetTMpDH_buffer_wrapper, which is a wrapper for Diffie-Hellman paramet...
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH_buffer(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *b, long sz, int format)
A wrapper function that calls wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer_wrapper.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH_file()

int wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH_file ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const char *  f,
int  format 

The function calls wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper to set the server Diffie-Hellman parameters.

SSL_SUCCESS returned if the wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper or any of its subroutines return successfully.
MEMORY_E returned if an allocation of dynamic memory fails in a subroutine.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the ctx or fname parameters are NULL or if a subroutine is passed a NULL argument.
SSL_BAD_FILE returned if the certificate file is unable to open or if the a set of checks on the file fail from wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper.
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE returned if the format is not PEM or ASN.1 from wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer_wrapper().
DH_KEY_SIZE_E returned if the DH parameter's key size is less than the value of the minDhKeySz member of the WOLFSSL_CTX struct.
DH_KEY_SIZE_E returned if the DH parameter's key size is greater than the value of the maxDhKeySz member of the WOLFSSL_CTX struct.
SIDE_ERROR returned in wolfSSL_SetTmpDH() if the side is not the server end.
SSL_NO_PEM_HEADER returned from PemToDer if there is no PEM header.
SSL_FATAL_ERROR returned from PemToDer if there is a memory copy failure.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new().
fnamea constant character pointer to a certificate file.
formatan integer type passed through from wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper() that is a representation of the certificate format.


#define dhParam “certs/dh2048.pem”
#DEFINE aSSERTiNTne(x, y) AssertInt(x, y, !=, ==)
AssertIntNE(SSL_SUCCESS, wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH_file(NULL, dhParam,
int wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH_file(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *f, int format)
The function calls wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper to set the server Diffie-Hellman parameters.
WOLFSSL_METHOD * wolfSSLv23_client_method(void)
The wolfSSLv23_client_method() function is used to indicate that the application is a client and will...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_buffer()

int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_buffer ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  in,
long  sz,
int  format 

This function loads a certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
ctxpointer to the SSL context, created with wolfSSL_CTX_new().
inthe input buffer containing the certificate to be loaded.
szthe size of the input buffer.
formatthe format of the certificate located in the input buffer (in). Possible values are SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.


int ret = 0;
int sz = 0;
byte certBuff[...];
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_buffer(ctx, certBuff, sz, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading certificate from buffer
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_buffer(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
This function loads a certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered v...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_buffer()

int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_buffer ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  in,
long  sz 

This function loads a certificate chain buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. The buffer must be in PEM format and start with the subject’s certificate, ending with the root certificate. Please see the examples for proper usage.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
BUFFER_E will be returned if a chain buffer is bigger than the receiving buffer.
ctxpointer to the SSL context, created with wolfSSL_CTX_new().
inthe input buffer containing the PEM-formatted certificate chain to be loaded.
szthe size of the input buffer.


int ret = 0;
int sz = 0;
byte certChainBuff[...];
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_buffer(ctx, certChainBuff, sz);
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading certificate chain from buffer
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_buffer(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz)
This function loads a certificate chain buffer into the WOLFSSL Context. It behaves like the non-buff...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file()

int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const char *  file 

This function loads a chain of certificates into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). The file containing the certificate chain is provided by the file argument, and must contain PEM-formatted certificates. This function will process up to MAX_CHAIN_DEPTH (default = 9, defined in internal.h) certificates, plus the subject cert.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success
SSL_FAILURE If the function call fails, possible causes might include the file is in the wrong format, or the wrong format has been given using the “format” argument, file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted, an out of memory condition occurs.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new()
filea pointer to the name of the file containing the chain of certificates to be loaded into the wolfSSL SSL context. Certificates must be in PEM format.


int ret = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, “./cert-chain.pem”);
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading cert file
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file)
This function loads a chain of certificates into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). The file containing t...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_file()

int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_file ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const char *  file,
int  format 

This function loads a certificate file into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). The file is provided by the file argument. The format argument specifies the format type of the file, either SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success.
SSL_FAILURE If the function call fails, possible causes might include the file is in the wrong format, or the wrong format has been given using the “format” argument, file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted, an out of memory condition occurs, Base16 decoding fails on the file.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new()
filea pointer to the name of the file containing the certificate to be loaded into the wolfSSL SSL context.
format- format of the certificates pointed to by file. Possible options are SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.


int ret = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, “./client-cert.pem”,
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading cert file
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, int format)
This function loads a certificate file into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). The file is provided by th...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_buffer()

int wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_buffer ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  in,
long  sz,
int  format 

This function loads a private key buffer into the SSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
NO_PASSWORD will be returned if the key file is encrypted but no password is provided.
ctxpointer to the SSL context, created with wolfSSL_CTX_new().
inthe input buffer containing the private key to be loaded.
szthe size of the input buffer.
formatthe format of the private key located in the input buffer (in). Possible values are SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.


int ret = 0;
int sz = 0;
byte keyBuff[...];
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_buffer(ctx, keyBuff, sz, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading private key from buffer
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_buffer(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
This function loads a private key buffer into the SSL Context. It behaves like the non-buffered versi...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file()

int wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const char *  file,
int  format 

This function loads a private key file into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). The file is provided by the file argument. The format argument specifies the format type of the file - SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage.

If using an external key store and do not have the private key you can instead provide the public key and register the crypro callback to handle the signing. For this you can build with either build with crypto callbacks or PK callbacks. To enable crypto callbacks use –enable-cryptocb or WOLF_CRYPTO_CB and register a crypto callback using wc_CryptoCb_RegisterDevice and set the associated devId using wolfSSL_CTX_SetDevId.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success.
SSL_FAILURE The file is in the wrong format, or the wrong format has been given using the “format” argument. The file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted. An out of memory condition occurs. Base16 decoding fails on the file. The key file is encrypted but no password is provided.
noneNo parameters.


int ret = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, “./server-key.pem”,
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// error loading key file
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, int format)
This function loads a private key file into the SSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX). The file is provided by th...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint()

int wolfSSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint ( WOLFSSL_CTX *  ctx,
const char *  hint 

This function stores the hint argument in the server_hint member of the WOLFSSL_CTX structure.

SSL_SUCCESS returned for successful execution of the function.
ctxa pointer to a WOLFSSL_CTX structure, created using wolfSSL_CTX_new().
hinta constant char pointer that will be copied to the WOLFSSL_CTX structure.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( protocol method );
const char* hint;
int ret;
if(ret == SSL_SUCCESS){
// Function was successful.
return ret;
} else {
// Failure case.
int wolfSSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint(WOLFSSL_CTX *ctx, const char *hint)
This function stores the hint argument in the server_hint member of the WOLFSSL_CTX structure.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_d2i_X509_bio()

WOLFSSL_X509* wolfSSL_d2i_X509_bio ( WOLFSSL_BIO *  bio,
WOLFSSL_X509 **  x509 

This function get the DER buffer from bio and converts it to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.

pointer returns a WOLFSSL_X509 structure pointer on success.
Null returns NULL on failure
biopointer to the WOLFSSL_BIO structure that has the DER certificate buffer.
x509pointer that get set to new WOLFSSL_X509 structure created.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509;
// load DER into bio
x509 = wolfSSL_d2i_X509_bio(bio, NULL);
// use x509 returned (check for NULL)
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_d2i_X509_bio(WOLFSSL_BIO *bio, WOLFSSL_X509 **x509)
This function get the DER buffer from bio and converts it to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_DeriveTlsKeys()

int wolfSSL_DeriveTlsKeys ( unsigned char *  key_data,
word32  keyLen,
const unsigned char *  ms,
word32  msLen,
const unsigned char *  sr,
const unsigned char *  cr,
int  tls1_2,
int  hash_type 

An external facing wrapper to derive TLS Keys.

0 returned on success.
BUFFER_E returned if the sum of labLen and seedLen (computes total size) exceeds the maximum size.
MEMORY_E returned if the allocation of memory failed.
key_dataa byte pointer that is allocateded in DeriveTlsKeys and passed through to wc_PRF to hold the final hash.
keyLena word32 type that is derived in DeriveTlsKeys from the WOLFSSL structure’s specs member.
msa constant pointer type holding the master secret held in the arrays structure within the WOLFSSL structure.
msLena word32 type that holds the length of the master secret in an enumerated define, SECRET_LEN.
sra constant byte pointer to the serverRandom member of the arrays structure within the WOLFSSL structure.
cra constant byte pointer to the clientRandom member of the arrays structure within the WOLFSSL structure.
tls1_2an integer type returned from IsAtLeastTLSv1_2().
hash_typean integer type held in the WOLFSSL structure.


int DeriveTlsKeys(WOLFSSL* ssl){
int ret;
ret = wolfSSL_DeriveTlsKeys(key_data, length, ssl->arrays->masterSecret,
SECRET_LEN, ssl->arrays->clientRandom,
IsAtLeastTLSv1_2(ssl), ssl->specs.mac_algorithm);
int wolfSSL_DeriveTlsKeys(unsigned char *key_data, word32 keyLen, const unsigned char *ms, word32 msLen, const unsigned char *sr, const unsigned char *cr, int tls1_2, int hash_type)
An external facing wrapper to derive TLS Keys.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_DSA_dup_DH()

WOLFSSL_DH* wolfSSL_DSA_dup_DH ( const WOLFSSL_DSA *  r)

This function duplicates the parameters in dsa to a newly created WOLFSSL_DH structure.

WOLFSSL_DH If duplicated returns WOLFSSL_DH structure
NULL upon failure
dsaWOLFSSL_DSA structure to duplicate.


// set up dsa
// check dh is not null
This function duplicates the parameters in dsa to a newly created WOLFSSL_DH structure.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_FreeArrays()

void wolfSSL_FreeArrays ( WOLFSSL *  )

Normally, at the end of the SSL handshake, wolfSSL frees temporary arrays. If wolfSSL_KeepArrays() has been called before the handshake, wolfSSL will not free temporary arrays. This function explicitly frees temporary arrays and should be called when the user is done with temporary arrays and does not want to wait for the SSL object to be freed to free these resources.

none No return.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().


See also

◆ wolfSSL_get_chain_X509()

WOLFSSL_X509* wolfSSL_get_chain_X509 ( WOLFSSL_X509_CHAIN *  chain,
int  idx 

This function gets the peer’s wolfSSL_X509_certificate at index (idx) from the chain of certificates.

pointer returns a pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.
chaina pointer to the WOLFSSL_X509_CHAIN used for no dynamic memory SESSION_CACHE.
idxthe index of the WOLFSSL_X509 certificate.

Note that it is the user's responsibility to free the returned memory by calling wolfSSL_FreeX509().


WOLFSSL_X509_CHAIN* chain = &session->chain;
int idx = 999; // set idx
prt = wolfSSL_get_chain_X509(chain, idx);
if(ptr != NULL){
// ptr contains the cert at the index specified
} else {
// ptr is NULL
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_get_chain_X509(WOLFSSL_X509_CHAIN *chain, int idx)
This function gets the peer’s wolfSSL_X509_certificate at index (idx) from the chain of certificates.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_get_peer_certificate()

WOLFSSL_X509* wolfSSL_get_peer_certificate ( WOLFSSL *  ssl)

This function gets the peer’s certificate.

pointer a pointer to the peerCert member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure if it exists.
0 returned if the peer certificate issuer size is not defined.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( method );
WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
WOLFSSL_X509* peerCert = wolfSSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);
// You have a pointer peerCert to the peer certification
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_get_peer_certificate(WOLFSSL *ssl)
This function gets the peer’s certificate.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_get_psk_identity()

const char* wolfSSL_get_psk_identity ( const WOLFSSL *  )

The function returns a constant pointer to the client_identity member of the Arrays structure.

string the string value of the client_identity member of the Arrays structure.
NULL if the WOLFSSL structure is NULL or if the Arrays member of the WOLFSSL structure is NULL.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( method );
WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
const char* pskID;
if(pskID == NULL){
// There is not a value in pskID
const char * wolfSSL_get_psk_identity(const WOLFSSL *)
The function returns a constant pointer to the client_identity member of the Arrays structure.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_get_psk_identity_hint()

const char* wolfSSL_get_psk_identity_hint ( const WOLFSSL *  )

This function returns the psk identity hint.

pointer a const char pointer to the value that was stored in the arrays member of the WOLFSSL structure is returned.
NULL returned if the WOLFSSL or Arrays structures are NULL.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().


WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
char* idHint;
// The hint was retrieved
return idHint;
} else {
// Hint wasn’t successfully retrieved
const char * wolfSSL_get_psk_identity_hint(const WOLFSSL *)
This function returns the psk identity hint.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_get_system_CA_dirs()

const char** wolfSSL_get_system_CA_dirs ( word32 *  num)

This function returns a pointer to an array of strings representing directories wolfSSL will search for system CA certs when wolfSSL_CTX_load_system_CA_certs is called. On systems that don't store certificates in an accessible system directory (such as Apple platforms), this function will always return NULL.

Valid pointer on success.
NULL pointer on failure.
numpointer to a word32 that will be populated with the length of the array of strings.


const char** dirs;
word32 numDirs;
dirs = wolfSSL_get_system_CA_dirs(&numDirs);
for (int i = 0; i < numDirs; ++i) {
printf("Potential system CA dir: %s\n", dirs[i]);
const char ** wolfSSL_get_system_CA_dirs(word32 *num)
This function returns a pointer to an array of strings representing directories wolfSSL will search f...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_GetDhKey_Sz()

int wolfSSL_GetDhKey_Sz ( WOLFSSL *  )

Returns the value of dhKeySz (in bits) that is a member of the options structure. This value represents the Diffie-Hellman key size in bytes.

dhKeySz returns the value held in ssl->options.dhKeySz which is an integer value representing a size in bits.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returns if the WOLFSSL struct is NULL.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( protocol method );
WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
int dhKeySz;
dhKeySz = wolfSSL_GetDhKey_Sz(ssl);
if(dhKeySz == BAD_FUNC_ARG || dhKeySz <= 0){
// Failure case
} else {
// dhKeySz holds the size of the key.
int wolfSSL_GetDhKey_Sz(WOLFSSL *)
Returns the value of dhKeySz (in bits) that is a member of the options structure. This value represen...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_GetIVSize()

int wolfSSL_GetIVSize ( WOLFSSL *  )

Returns the iv_size member of the specs structure held in the WOLFSSL struct.

iv_size returns the value held in ssl->specs.iv_size.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the WOLFSSL structure is NULL.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( method );
WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
int ivSize;
ivSize = wolfSSL_GetIVSize(ssl);
if(ivSize > 0){
// ivSize holds the specs.iv_size value.
int wolfSSL_GetIVSize(WOLFSSL *)
Returns the iv_size member of the specs structure held in the WOLFSSL struct.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_KeepArrays()

void wolfSSL_KeepArrays ( WOLFSSL *  )

Normally, at the end of the SSL handshake, wolfSSL frees temporary arrays. Calling this function before the handshake begins will prevent wolfSSL from freeing temporary arrays. Temporary arrays may be needed for things such as wolfSSL_get_keys() or PSK hints. When the user is done with temporary arrays, either wolfSSL_FreeArrays() may be called to free the resources immediately, or alternatively the resources will be freed when the associated SSL object is freed.

none No return.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().


See also

◆ wolfSSL_make_eap_keys()

int wolfSSL_make_eap_keys ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
void *  key,
unsigned int  len,
const char *  label 

This function is used by EAP_TLS and EAP-TTLS to derive keying material from the master secret.

BUFFER_E returned if the actual size of the buffer exceeds the maximum size allowable.
MEMORY_E returned if there is an error with memory allocation.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
mska void pointer variable that will hold the result of the p_hash function.
lenan unsigned integer that represents the length of the msk variable.
labela constant char pointer that is copied from in wc_PRF().


WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);;
void* msk;
unsigned int len;
const char* label;
return wolfSSL_make_eap_keys(ssl, msk, len, label);
int wolfSSL_make_eap_keys(WOLFSSL *ssl, void *key, unsigned int len, const char *label)
This function is used by EAP_TLS and EAP-TTLS to derive keying material from the master secret.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_DSAparams()

WOLFSSL_DSA* wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_DSAparams ( WOLFSSL_BIO *  bp,
wc_pem_password_cb *  cb,
void *  u 

This function get the DSA parameters from a PEM buffer in bio.

WOLFSSL_DSA on successfully parsing the PEM buffer a WOLFSSL_DSA structure is created and returned.
Null if failed to parse PEM buffer.
biopointer to the WOLFSSL_BIO structure for getting PEM memory pointer.
xpointer to be set to new WOLFSSL_DSA structure.
cbpassword callback function.
unull terminated password string.


// setup bio
dsa = wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_DSAparams(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// check dsa is not NULL and then use dsa
WOLFSSL_DSA * wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_DSAparams(WOLFSSL_BIO *bp, WOLFSSL_DSA **x, wc_pem_password_cb *cb, void *u)
This function get the DSA parameters from a PEM buffer in bio.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX()

WOLFSSL_X509* wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX ( WOLFSSL_BIO *  bp,
WOLFSSL_X509 **  x,
wc_pem_password_cb *  cb,
void *  u 

This function behaves the same as wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_X509. AUX signifies containing extra information such as trusted/rejected use cases and friendly name for human readability.

WOLFSSL_X509 on successfully parsing the PEM buffer a WOLFSSL_X509 structure is returned.
Null if failed to parse PEM buffer.
bpWOLFSSL_BIO structure to get PEM buffer from.
xif setting WOLFSSL_X509 by function side effect.
cbpassword callback.
uNULL terminated user password.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509;
// setup bio
X509 = wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL);
//check x509 is not null and then use it
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX(WOLFSSL_BIO *bp, WOLFSSL_X509 **x, wc_pem_password_cb *cb, void *u)
This function behaves the same as wolfSSL_PEM_read_bio_X509. AUX signifies containing extra informati...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_SetCertCbCtx()

void wolfSSL_SetCertCbCtx ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
void *  ctx 

This function stores user CTX object information for verify callback.

none No return.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
ctxa void pointer that is set to WOLFSSL structure’s verifyCbCtx member’s value.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( method );
WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
if(ssl != NULL){
} else {
// Error case, the SSL is not initialized properly.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_SetMaxDhKey_Sz()

int wolfSSL_SetMaxDhKey_Sz ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
word16  keySz_bits 

Sets the maximum size (in bits) for a Diffie-Hellman key in the WOLFSSL structure.

SSL_SUCCESS the maximum size was successfully set.
BAD_FUNC_ARG the WOLFSSL structure was NULL or the keySz parameter was greater than the allowable size or not divisible by 8.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
keySza word16 type representing the bit size of the maximum DH key.


WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
word16 keySz;
if(wolfSSL_SetMaxDhKey(ssl, keySz) != SSL_SUCCESS){
// Failed to set.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_SetMinDhKey_Sz()

int wolfSSL_SetMinDhKey_Sz ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
word16  keySz_bits 

Sets the minimum size (in bits) for a Diffie-Hellman key in the WOLFSSL structure.

SSL_SUCCESS the minimum size was successfully set.
BAD_FUNC_ARG the WOLFSSL structure was NULL or if the keySz_bits is greater than 16,000 or not divisible by 8.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
keySz_bitsa word16 type used to set the minimum DH key size in bits. The WOLFSSL_CTX struct holds this information in the minDhKeySz member.


WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
word16 keySz_bits;
if(wolfSSL_SetMinDhKey_Sz(ssl, keySz_bits) != SSL_SUCCESS){
// Failed to set.
int wolfSSL_SetMinDhKey_Sz(WOLFSSL *ssl, word16 keySz_bits)
Sets the minimum size (in bits) for a Diffie-Hellman key in the WOLFSSL structure.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_SetMinEccKey_Sz()

int wolfSSL_SetMinEccKey_Sz ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
short  keySz 

Sets the value of the minEccKeySz member of the options structure. The options struct is a member of the WOLFSSL structure and is accessed through the ssl parameter.

SSL_SUCCESS if the function successfully set the minEccKeySz member of the options structure.
BAD_FUNC_ARG if the WOLFSSL_CTX structure is NULL or if the key size (keySz) is less than 0 (zero) or not divisible by 8.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
keySzvalue used to set the minimum ECC key size. Sets value in the options structure.


WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx); // New session
short keySz = 999; // should be set to min key size allowable
if(wolfSSL_SetMinEccKey_Sz(ssl, keySz) != SSL_SUCCESS){
// Failure case.
int wolfSSL_SetMinEccKey_Sz(WOLFSSL *ssl, short keySz)
Sets the value of the minEccKeySz member of the options structure. The options struct is a member of ...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_SetMinRsaKey_Sz()

int wolfSSL_SetMinRsaKey_Sz ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
short  keySz 

Sets the minimum allowable key size in bits for RSA located in the WOLFSSL structure.

SSL_SUCCESS the minimum was set successfully.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the ssl structure is NULL or if the ksySz is less than zero or not divisible by 8.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
keySza short integer value representing the the minimum key in bits.


WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
short keySz;
int isSet = wolfSSL_SetMinRsaKey_Sz(ssl, keySz);
if(isSet != SSL_SUCCESS){
Failed to set.
int wolfSSL_SetMinRsaKey_Sz(WOLFSSL *ssl, short keySz)
Sets the minimum allowable key size in bits for RSA located in the WOLFSSL structure.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_SetTmpDH()

int wolfSSL_SetTmpDH ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
const unsigned char *  p,
int  pSz,
const unsigned char *  g,
int  gSz 

Server Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral parameters setting. This function sets up the group parameters to be used if the server negotiates a cipher suite that uses DHE.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success.
MEMORY_ERROR will be returned if a memory error was encountered.
SIDE_ERROR will be returned if this function is called on an SSL client instead of an SSL server.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
pDiffie-Hellman prime number parameter.
pSzsize of p.
gDiffie-Hellman “generator” parameter.
gSzsize of g.


static unsigned char p[] = {...};
static unsigned char g[] = {...};
wolfSSL_SetTmpDH(ssl, p, sizeof(p), g, sizeof(g));
See also

◆ wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer()

int wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
const unsigned char *  b,
long  sz,
int  format 

The function calls the wolfSSL_SetTMpDH_buffer_wrapper, which is a wrapper for Diffie-Hellman parameters.

SSL_SUCCESS on successful execution.
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE if the file type is not PEM and is not ASN.1. It will also be returned if the wc_DhParamsLoad does not return normally.
SSL_NO_PEM_HEADER returns from PemToDer if there is not a PEM header.
SSL_BAD_FILE returned if there is a file error in PemToDer.
SSL_FATAL_ERROR returned from PemToDer if there was a copy error.
MEMORY_E - if there was a memory allocation error.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returned if the WOLFSSL struct is NULL or if there was otherwise a NULL argument passed to a subroutine.
DH_KEY_SIZE_E is returned if their is a key size error in wolfSSL_SetTmpDH() or in wolfSSL_CTX_SetTmpDH().
SIDE_ERROR returned if it is not the server side in wolfSSL_SetTmpDH.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
bufallocated buffer passed in from wolfSSL_SetTMpDH_file_wrapper.
sza long int that holds the size of the file (fname within wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper).
formatan integer type passed through from wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper() that is a representation of the certificate format.


Static int wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper(WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx, WOLFSSL* ssl,
Const char* fname, int format);
long sz = 0;
byte* myBuffer = staticBuffer[FILE_BUFFER_SIZE];
ret = wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_buffer(ssl, myBuffer, sz, format);
See also

◆ wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file()

int wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
const char *  f,
int  format 

This function calls wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper to set server Diffie-Hellman parameters.

SSL_SUCCESS returned on successful completion of this function and its subroutines.
MEMORY_E returned if a memory allocation failed in this function or a subroutine.
SIDE_ERROR if the side member of the Options structure found in the WOLFSSL struct is not the server side.
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE returns if the certificate fails a set of checks.
DH_KEY_SIZE_E returned if the DH parameter's key size is less than the value of the minDhKeySz member in the WOLFSSL struct.
DH_KEY_SIZE_E returned if the DH parameter's key size is greater than the value of the maxDhKeySz member in the WOLFSSL struct.
BAD_FUNC_ARG returns if an argument value is NULL that is not permitted such as, the WOLFSSL structure.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
fnamea constant char pointer holding the certificate.
formatan integer type that holds the format of the certification.


WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
const char* dhParam;
wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file(ssl, dhParam, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM));
int wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file(WOLFSSL *ssl, const char *f, int format)
This function calls wolfSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper to set server Diffie-Hellman parameters.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_UnloadCertsKeys()

int wolfSSL_UnloadCertsKeys ( WOLFSSL *  )

This function unloads any certificates or keys that SSL owns.

SSL_SUCCESS - returned if the function executed successfully.
BAD_FUNC_ARG - returned if the WOLFSSL object is NULL.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().


WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
int unloadKeys = wolfSSL_UnloadCertsKeys(ssl);
if(unloadKeys != SSL_SUCCESS){
// Failure case.
int wolfSSL_UnloadCertsKeys(WOLFSSL *)
This function unloads any certificates or keys that SSL owns.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_use_certificate_buffer()

int wolfSSL_use_certificate_buffer ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
const unsigned char *  in,
long  sz,
int  format 

This function loads a certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL object. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success.
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
sslpointer to the SSL session, created with wolfSSL_new().
inbuffer containing certificate to load.
szsize of the certificate located in buffer.
formatformat of the certificate to be loaded. Possible values are SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.


int buffSz;
int ret;
byte certBuff[...];
WOLFSSL* ssl = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_use_certificate_buffer(ssl, certBuff, buffSz, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// failed to load certificate from buffer
int wolfSSL_use_certificate_buffer(WOLFSSL *ssl, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
This function loads a certificate buffer into the WOLFSSL object. It behaves like the non-buffered ve...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_use_certificate_chain_buffer()

int wolfSSL_use_certificate_chain_buffer ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
const unsigned char *  in,
long  sz 

This function loads a certificate chain buffer into the WOLFSSL object. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. The buffer must be in PEM format and start with the subject’s certificate, ending with the root certificate. Please see the examples for proper usage.

SSL_SUCCES upon success.
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
BUFFER_E will be returned if a chain buffer is bigger than the receiving buffer.
sslpointer to the SSL session, created with wolfSSL_new().
inbuffer containing certificate to load.
szsize of the certificate located in buffer.


int buffSz;
int ret;
byte certChainBuff[...];
WOLFSSL* ssl = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_use_certificate_chain_buffer(ssl, certChainBuff, buffSz);
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// failed to load certificate chain from buffer
int wolfSSL_use_certificate_chain_buffer(WOLFSSL *ssl, const unsigned char *in, long sz)
This function loads a certificate chain buffer into the WOLFSSL object. It behaves like the non-buffe...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey()

int wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,

This is used to set the private key for the WOLFSSL structure.

SSL_SUCCESS On successful setting argument.
SSL_FAILURE If a NULL ssl passed in. All error cases will be negative values.
sslWOLFSSL structure to set argument in.
pkeyprivate key to use.


int ret;
// create ssl object and set up private key
ret = wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey(ssl, pkey);
// check ret value
int wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey(WOLFSSL *ssl, WOLFSSL_EVP_PKEY *pkey)
This is used to set the private key for the WOLFSSL structure.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1()

int wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1 ( int  pri,
WOLFSSL *  ssl,
unsigned char *  der,
long  derSz 

This is used to set the private key for the WOLFSSL structure. A DER formatted key buffer is expected.

SSL_SUCCESS On successful setting parsing and setting the private key.
SSL_FAILURE If an NULL ssl passed in. All error cases will be negative values.
pritype of private key.
sslWOLFSSL structure to set argument in.
derbuffer holding DER key.
derSzsize of der buffer.


unsigned char* pkey;
long pkeySz;
int ret;
// create ssl object and set up private key
ret = wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(1, ssl, pkey, pkeySz);
// check ret value
int wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(int pri, WOLFSSL *ssl, unsigned char *der, long derSz)
This is used to set the private key for the WOLFSSL structure. A DER formatted key buffer is expected...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer()

int wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
const unsigned char *  in,
long  sz,
int  format 

This function loads a private key buffer into the WOLFSSL object. It behaves like the non-buffered version, only differing in its ability to be called with a buffer as input instead of a file. The buffer is provided by the in argument of size sz. format specifies the format type of the buffer; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM. Please see the examples for proper usage.

SSL_SUCCESS upon success.
SSL_BAD_FILETYPE will be returned if the file is the wrong format.
SSL_BAD_FILE will be returned if the file doesn’t exist, can’t be read, or is corrupted.
MEMORY_E will be returned if an out of memory condition occurs.
ASN_INPUT_E will be returned if Base16 decoding fails on the file.
NO_PASSWORD will be returned if the key file is encrypted but no password is provided.
sslpointer to the SSL session, created with wolfSSL_new().
inbuffer containing private key to load.
szsize of the private key located in buffer.
formatformat of the private key to be loaded. Possible values are SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 or SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.


int buffSz;
int ret;
byte keyBuff[...];
WOLFSSL* ssl = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer(ssl, keyBuff, buffSz, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
// failed to load private key from buffer
int wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer(WOLFSSL *ssl, const unsigned char *in, long sz, int format)
This function loads a private key buffer into the WOLFSSL object. It behaves like the non-buffered ve...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_use_psk_identity_hint()

int wolfSSL_use_psk_identity_hint ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
const char *  hint 

This function stores the hint argument in the server_hint member of the Arrays structure within the WOLFSSL structure.

SSL_SUCCESS returned if the hint was successfully stored in the WOLFSSL structure.
SSL_FAILURE returned if the WOLFSSL or Arrays structures are NULL.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().
hinta constant character pointer that holds the hint to be saved in memory.


WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
const char* hint;
if(wolfSSL_use_psk_identity_hint(ssl, hint) != SSL_SUCCESS){
// Handle failure case.
int wolfSSL_use_psk_identity_hint(WOLFSSL *ssl, const char *hint)
This function stores the hint argument in the server_hint member of the Arrays structure within the W...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1()

int wolfSSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1 ( WOLFSSL *  ssl,
unsigned char *  der,
long  derSz 

This is used to set the private key for the WOLFSSL structure. A DER formatted RSA key buffer is expected.

SSL_SUCCESS On successful setting parsing and setting the private key.
SSL_FAILURE If an NULL ssl passed in. All error cases will be negative values.
sslWOLFSSL structure to set argument in.
derbuffer holding DER key.
derSzsize of der buffer.


unsigned char* pkey;
long pkeySz;
int ret;
// create ssl object and set up RSA private key
ret = wolfSSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(ssl, pkey, pkeySz);
// check ret value
int wolfSSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(WOLFSSL *ssl, unsigned char *der, long derSz)
This is used to set the private key for the WOLFSSL structure. A DER formatted RSA key buffer is expe...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_d2i_fp()

WOLFSSL_X509* wolfSSL_X509_d2i_fp ( WOLFSSL_X509 **  x509,
FILE *  file 

If NO_STDIO_FILESYSTEM is defined this function will allocate heap memory, initialize a WOLFSSL_X509 structure and return a pointer to it.

*WOLFSSL_X509 WOLFSSL_X509 structure pointer is returned if the function executes successfully.
NULL if the call to XFTELL macro returns a negative value.
x509a pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 pointer.
filea defined type that is a pointer to a FILE.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509a = (WOLFSSL_X509*)XMALLOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
WOLFSSL_X509** x509 = x509a;
XFILE file; (mapped to struct fs_file*)
WOLFSSL_X509* newX509 = wolfSSL_X509_d2i_fp(x509, file);
if(newX509 == NULL){
// The function returned NULL
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_X509_d2i_fp(WOLFSSL_X509 **x509, FILE *file)
If NO_STDIO_FILESYSTEM is defined this function will allocate heap memory, initialize a WOLFSSL_X509 ...
void * XMALLOC(size_t n, void *heap, int type)
This is not actually a function, but rather a preprocessor macro, which allows the user to substitute...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_digest()

int wolfSSL_X509_digest ( const WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509,
const WOLFSSL_EVP_MD *  digest,
unsigned char *  buf,
unsigned int *  len 

This function returns the hash of the DER certificate.

SSL_SUCCESS On successfully creating a hash.
SSL_FAILURE Returned on bad input or unsuccessful hash.
x509certificate to get the hash of.
digestthe hash algorithm to use.
bufbuffer to hold hash.
lenlength of buffer.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509;
unsigned char buffer[64];
unsigned int bufferSz;
int ret;
ret = wolfSSL_X509_digest(x509, wolfSSL_EVP_sha256(), buffer, &bufferSz);
//check ret value
int wolfSSL_X509_digest(const WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, const WOLFSSL_EVP_MD *digest, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int *len)
This function returns the hash of the DER certificate.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_der()

const unsigned char* wolfSSL_X509_get_der ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509,
int *  outSz 

This function gets the DER encoded certificate in the WOLFSSL_X509 struct.

buffer This function returns the DerBuffer structure’s buffer member, which is of type byte.
NULL returned if the x509 or outSz parameter is NULL.
x509a pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure containing certificate information.
outSzlength of the derBuffer member of the WOLFSSL_X509 struct.


WOLFSSL_X509 x509 = (WOLFSSL_X509*)XMALLOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
int* outSz; // initialize
byte* x509Der = wolfSSL_X509_get_der(x509, outSz);
if(x509Der == NULL){
// Failure case one of the parameters was NULL
const unsigned char * wolfSSL_X509_get_der(WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, int *outSz)
This function gets the DER encoded certificate in the WOLFSSL_X509 struct.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_device_type()

unsigned char* wolfSSL_X509_get_device_type ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509,
unsigned char *  in,
int *  inOutSz 

This function copies the device type from the x509 structure to the buffer.

pointer returns a byte pointer holding the device type from the x509 structure.
NULL returned if the buffer size is NULL.
x509pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure, created with WOLFSSL_X509_new().
ina pointer to a byte type that will hold the device type (the buffer).
inOutSzthe minimum of either the parameter inOutSz or the deviceTypeSz member of the x509 structure.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509 = (WOLFSSL_X509)XMALOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
byte* in;
int* inOutSz;
byte* deviceType = wolfSSL_X509_get_device_type(x509, in, inOutSz);
// Failure case, NULL was returned.
unsigned char * wolfSSL_X509_get_device_type(WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, unsigned char *in, int *inOutSz)
This function copies the device type from the x509 structure to the buffer.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_ext_by_NID()

int wolfSSL_X509_get_ext_by_NID ( const WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509,
int  nid,
int  lastPos 

This function looks for and returns the extension index matching the passed in NID value.

>= 0 If successful the extension index is returned.
-1 If extension is not found or error is encountered.
x509certificate to get parse through for extension.
nidextension OID to be found.
lastPosstart search from extension after lastPos. Set to -1 initially.


const WOLFSSL_X509* x509;
int lastPos = -1;
int idx;
idx = wolfSSL_X509_get_ext_by_NID(x509, NID_basic_constraints, lastPos);
int wolfSSL_X509_get_ext_by_NID(const WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, int nid, int lastPos)
This function looks for and returns the extension index matching the passed in NID value.

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_ext_d2i()

void* wolfSSL_X509_get_ext_d2i ( const WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509,
int  nid,
int *  c,
int *  idx 

This function looks for and returns the extension matching the passed in NID value.

pointer If successful a STACK_OF(WOLFSSL_ASN1_OBJECT) pointer is returned.
NULL If extension is not found or error is encountered.
x509certificate to get parse through for extension.
nidextension OID to be found.
cif not NULL is set to -2 for multiple extensions found -1 if not found, 0 if found and not critical and 1 if found and critical.
idxif NULL return first extension matched otherwise if not stored in x509 start at idx.


const WOLFSSL_X509* x509;
int c;
int idx = 0;
sk = wolfSSL_X509_get_ext_d2i(x509, NID_basic_constraints, &c, &idx);
//check sk for NULL and then use it. sk needs freed after done.
void * wolfSSL_X509_get_ext_d2i(const WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, int nid, int *c, int *idx)
This function looks for and returns the extension matching the passed in NID value.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_hw_serial_number()

unsigned char* wolfSSL_X509_get_hw_serial_number ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509,
unsigned char *  in,
int *  inOutSz 

This function returns the hwSerialNum member of the x509 object.

pointer the function returns a byte pointer to the in buffer that will contain the serial number loaded from the x509 object.
x509pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure containing certificate information.
ina pointer to the buffer that will be copied to.
inOutSza pointer to the size of the buffer.


char* serial;
byte* in;
int* inOutSz;
WOLFSSL_X509 x509;
serial = wolfSSL_X509_get_hw_serial_number(x509, in, inOutSz);
if(serial == NULL || serial <= 0){
// Failure case
unsigned char * wolfSSL_X509_get_hw_serial_number(WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, unsigned char *in, int *inOutSz)
This function returns the hwSerialNum member of the x509 object.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_hw_type()

unsigned char* wolfSSL_X509_get_hw_type ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509,
unsigned char *  in,
int *  inOutSz 

The function copies the hwType member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure to the buffer.

byte The function returns a byte type of the data previously held in the hwType member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure.
NULL returned if inOutSz is NULL.
x509a pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure containing certificate information.
inpointer to type byte that represents the buffer.
inOutSzpointer to type int that represents the size of the buffer.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509; // X509 certificate
byte* in; // initialize the buffer
int* inOutSz; // holds the size of the buffer
byte* hwType = wolfSSL_X509_get_hw_type(x509, in, inOutSz);
if(hwType == NULL){
// Failure case function returned NULL.
unsigned char * wolfSSL_X509_get_hw_type(WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, unsigned char *in, int *inOutSz)
The function copies the hwType member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure to the buffer.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_isCA()

int wolfSSL_X509_get_isCA ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  cert)

Checks the isCa member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure and returns the value.

isCA returns the value in the isCA member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure is returned.
0 returned if there is not a valid x509 structure passed in.
certa pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.


WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new( method );
WOLFSSL* ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx);
// This is the CA
}else {
// Failure case
int wolfSSL_X509_get_isCA(WOLFSSL_X509 *cert)
Checks the isCa member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure and returns the value.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_issuer_name()

WOLFSSL_X509_NAME* wolfSSL_X509_get_issuer_name ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  cert)

This function returns the name of the certificate issuer.

point a pointer to the WOLFSSL_X509 struct’s issuer member is returned.
NULL if the cert passed in is NULL.
certa pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509;
WOLFSSL_X509_NAME issuer;
// NULL was returned
} else {
// issuer hods the name of the certificate issuer.
char * wolfSSL_X509_NAME_oneline(WOLFSSL_X509_NAME *name, char *in, int sz)
This function copies the name of the x509 into a buffer.
WOLFSSL_X509_NAME * wolfSSL_X509_get_issuer_name(WOLFSSL_X509 *cert)
This function returns the name of the certificate issuer.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_next_altname()

char* wolfSSL_X509_get_next_altname ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  )

This function returns the next, if any, altname from the peer certificate.

NULL if there is not a next altname.
cert->altNamesNext->name from the WOLFSSL_X509 structure that is a string value from the altName list is returned if it exists.
certa pointer to the wolfSSL_X509 structure.


WOLFSSL_X509 x509 = (WOLFSSL_X509*)XMALLOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
int x509NextAltName = wolfSSL_X509_get_next_altname(x509);
if(x509NextAltName == NULL){
//There isn’t another alt name
char * wolfSSL_X509_get_next_altname(WOLFSSL_X509 *)
This function returns the next, if any, altname from the peer certificate.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_notAfter()

WOLFSSL_ASN1_TIME* wolfSSL_X509_get_notAfter ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  )

This function checks to see if x509 is NULL and if it’s not, it returns the notAfter member of the x509 struct.

pointer to struct with ASN1_TIME to the notAfter member of the x509 struct.
NULL returned if the x509 object is NULL.
x509a pointer to the WOLFSSL_X509 struct.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509 = (WOLFSSL_X509)XMALOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
const WOLFSSL_ASN1_TIME* notAfter = wolfSSL_X509_get_notAfter(x509);
if(notAfter == NULL){
// Failure case, the x509 object is null.
WOLFSSL_ASN1_TIME * wolfSSL_X509_get_notAfter(WOLFSSL_X509 *)
This function checks to see if x509 is NULL and if it’s not, it returns the notAfter member of the x5...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_notBefore()

WOLFSSL_ASN1_TIME* wolfSSL_X509_get_notBefore ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  )

The function checks to see if x509 is NULL and if it’s not, it returns the notBefore member of the x509 struct.

pointer to struct with ASN1_TIME to the notBefore member of the x509 struct.
NULL the function returns NULL if the x509 structure is NULL.
x509a pointer to the WOLFSSL_X509 struct.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509 = (WOLFSSL_X509)XMALLOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
const WOLFSSL_ASN1_TIME* notAfter = wolfSSL_X509_get_notBefore(x509);
if(notAfter == NULL){
//The x509 object was NULL
WOLFSSL_ASN1_TIME * wolfSSL_X509_get_notBefore(WOLFSSL_X509 *)
The function checks to see if x509 is NULL and if it’s not, it returns the notBefore member of the x5...
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_signature()

int wolfSSL_X509_get_signature ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509,
unsigned char *  buf,
int *  bufSz 

Gets the X509 signature and stores it in the buffer.

SSL_SUCCESS returned if the function successfully executes. The signature is loaded into the buffer.
SSL_FATAL_ERRROR returns if the x509 struct or the bufSz member is NULL. There is also a check for the length member of the sig structure (sig is a member of x509).
x509pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.
bufa char pointer to the buffer.
bufSzan integer pointer to the size of the buffer.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509 = (WOLFSSL_X509)XMALOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
unsigned char* buf; // Initialize
int* bufSz = sizeof(buf)/sizeof(unsigned char);
if(wolfSSL_X509_get_signature(x509, buf, bufSz) != SSL_SUCCESS){
// The function did not execute successfully.
} else{
// The buffer was written to correctly.
int wolfSSL_X509_get_signature(WOLFSSL_X509 *x509, unsigned char *buf, int *bufSz)
Gets the X509 signature and stores it in the buffer.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_signature_type()

int wolfSSL_X509_get_signature_type ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  cert)

This function returns the value stored in the sigOID member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure.

0 returned if the WOLFSSL_X509 structure is NULL.
int an integer value is returned which was retrieved from the x509 object.
certa pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.


WOLFSSL_X509 x509 = (WOLFSSL_X509*)XMALLOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
int x509SigType = wolfSSL_X509_get_signature_type(x509);
if(x509SigType != EXPECTED){
// Deal with an unexpected value
int wolfSSL_X509_get_signature_type(WOLFSSL_X509 *cert)
This function returns the value stored in the sigOID member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_subject_name()

WOLFSSL_X509_NAME* wolfSSL_X509_get_subject_name ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  cert)

This function returns the subject member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure.

pointer a pointer to the WOLFSSL_X509_NAME structure. The pointer may be NULL if the WOLFSSL_X509 struct is NULL or if the subject member of the structure is NULL.
certa pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.


WOLFSSL_X509* cert;
if(name == NULL){
// Deal with the NULL cacse
WOLFSSL_X509_NAME * wolfSSL_X509_get_subject_name(WOLFSSL_X509 *cert)
This function returns the subject member of the WOLFSSL_X509 structure.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_get_subjectCN()

char* wolfSSL_X509_get_subjectCN ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  )

Returns the common name of the subject from the certificate.

NULL returned if the x509 structure is null
string a string representation of the subject's common name is returned upon success
x509a pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure containing certificate information.


WOLFSSL_X509 x509 = (WOLFSSL_X509*)XMALLOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
int x509Cn = wolfSSL_X509_get_subjectCN(x509);
if(x509Cn == NULL){
// Deal with NULL case
} else {
// x509Cn contains the common name
char * wolfSSL_X509_get_subjectCN(WOLFSSL_X509 *)
Returns the common name of the subject from the certificate.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_load_certificate_file()

WOLFSSL_X509* wolfSSL_X509_load_certificate_file ( const char *  fname,
int  format 

The function loads the x509 certificate into memory.

pointer a successful execution returns pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.
NULL returned if the certificate was not able to be written.
fnamethe certificate file to be loaded.
formatthe format of the certificate.


#define cliCert “certs/client-cert.pem”
X509* x509;
x509 = wolfSSL_X509_load_certificate_file(cliCert, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
WOLFSSL_X509 * wolfSSL_X509_load_certificate_file(const char *fname, int format)
The function loads the x509 certificate into memory.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID()

int wolfSSL_X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID ( WOLFSSL_X509_NAME *  name,
int  nid,
char *  buf,
int  len 

This function gets the text related to the passed in NID value.

int returns the size of the text buffer.
nameWOLFSSL_X509_NAME to search for text.
nidNID to search for.
bufbuffer to hold text when found.
lenlength of buffer.


WOLFSSL_X509_NAME* name;
char buffer[100];
int bufferSz;
int ret;
// get WOLFSSL_X509_NAME
ret = wolfSSL_X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(name, NID_commonName,
buffer, bufferSz);
//check ret value
int wolfSSL_X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(WOLFSSL_X509_NAME *name, int nid, char *buf, int len)
This function gets the text related to the passed in NID value.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_NAME_oneline()

char* wolfSSL_X509_NAME_oneline ( WOLFSSL_X509_NAME *  name,
char *  in,
int  sz 

This function copies the name of the x509 into a buffer.

A char pointer to the buffer with the WOLFSSL_X509_NAME structures name member’s data is returned if the function executed normally.
namea pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.
ina buffer to hold the name copied from the WOLFSSL_X509_NAME structure.
szthe maximum size of the buffer.


WOLFSSL_X509 x509;
char* name;
if(name <= 0){
// There’s nothing in the buffer.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_notAfter()

const byte* wolfSSL_X509_notAfter ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509)

This function the certificate "not after" validity encoded as a byte array.

NULL returned if the WOLFSSL_X509 structure is NULL.
byte is returned that contains the notAfterData.
x509pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509 = (WOLFSSL_X509*)XMALLOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
byte* notAfterData = wolfSSL_X509_notAfter(x509);
const byte * wolfSSL_X509_notAfter(WOLFSSL_X509 *x509)
This function the certificate "not after" validity encoded as a byte array.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_notBefore()

const byte* wolfSSL_X509_notBefore ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509)

This function the certificate "not before" validity encoded as a byte array.

NULL returned if the WOLFSSL_X509 structure is NULL.
byte is returned that contains the notBeforeData.
x509pointer to a WOLFSSL_X509 structure.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509 = (WOLFSSL_X509*)XMALLOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_X509), NULL,
byte* notBeforeData = wolfSSL_X509_notBefore(x509);
const byte * wolfSSL_X509_notBefore(WOLFSSL_X509 *x509)
This function the certificate "not before" validity encoded as a byte array.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_STORE_add_cert()

int wolfSSL_X509_STORE_add_cert ( WOLFSSL_X509_STORE *  store,
WOLFSSL_X509 *  x509 

This function adds a certificate to the WOLFSSL_X509_STRE structure.

SSL_SUCCESS If certificate is added successfully.
SSL_FATAL_ERROR: If certificate is not added successfully.
strcertificate store to add the certificate to.
x509certificate to add.


WOLFSSL_X509* x509;
int ret;
ret = wolfSSL_X509_STORE_add_cert(str, x509);
//check ret value
int wolfSSL_X509_STORE_add_cert(WOLFSSL_X509_STORE *store, WOLFSSL_X509 *x509)
This function adds a certificate to the WOLFSSL_X509_STRE structure.
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain()

WOLFSSL_STACK* wolfSSL_X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain ( WOLFSSL_X509_STORE_CTX *  ctx)

This function is a getter function for chain variable in WOLFSSL_X509_STORE_CTX structure. Currently chain is not populated.

pointer if successful returns WOLFSSL_STACK (same as STACK_OF(WOLFSSL_X509)) pointer
Null upon failure
ctxcertificate store ctx to get parse chain from.


//check sk for NULL and then use it. sk needs freed after done.
This function is a getter function for chain variable in WOLFSSL_X509_STORE_CTX structure....
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_STORE_set_flags()

int wolfSSL_X509_STORE_set_flags ( WOLFSSL_X509_STORE *  store,
unsigned long  flag 

This function takes in a flag to change the behavior of the WOLFSSL_X509_STORE structure passed in. An example of a flag used is WOLFSSL_CRL_CHECK.

SSL_SUCCESS If no errors were encountered when setting the flag.
<0 a negative value will be returned upon failure.
strcertificate store to set flag in.
flagflag for behavior.


int ret;
// create and set up str
ret = wolfSSL_X509_STORE_set_flags(str, WOLFSSL_CRL_CHECKALL);
If (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) {
//check ret value and handle error case
int wolfSSL_X509_STORE_set_flags(WOLFSSL_X509_STORE *store, unsigned long flag)
This function takes in a flag to change the behavior of the WOLFSSL_X509_STORE structure passed in....
See also

◆ wolfSSL_X509_version()

int wolfSSL_X509_version ( WOLFSSL_X509 *  )

This function retrieves the version of the X509 certificate.

0 returned if the x509 structure is NULL.
version the version stored in the x509 structure will be returned.
ssla pointer to a WOLFSSL structure, created using wolfSSL_new().


WOLFSSL_X509* x509;
int version;
version = wolfSSL_X509_version(x509);
// The function returned 0, failure case.
int wolfSSL_X509_version(WOLFSSL_X509 *)
This function retrieves the version of the X509 certificate.
See also