wolfSSL Error Handling and Reporting
Name | |
int | wolfSSL_Debugging_ON(void ) If logging has been enabled at build time this function turns on logging at runtime. To enable logging at build time use –enable-debug or define DEBUG_WOLFSSL. |
void | wolfSSL_Debugging_OFF(void ) This function turns off runtime logging messages. If they’re already off, no action is taken. |
int | wolfSSL_get_error(WOLFSSL * ssl, int ret) This function returns a unique error code describing why the previous API function call (wolfSSL_connect, wolfSSL_accept, wolfSSL_read, wolfSSL_write, etc.) resulted in an error return code (SSL_FAILURE). The return value of the previous function is passed to wolfSSL_get_error through ret. After wolfSSL_get_error is called and returns the unique error code, wolfSSL_ERR_error_string() may be called to get a human_readable error string. See wolfSSL_ERR_error_string() for more information. |
void | wolfSSL_load_error_strings(void ) This function is for OpenSSL compatibility (SSL_load_error_string) only and takes no action. |
char * | wolfSSL_ERR_error_string(unsigned long errNumber, char * data) This function converts an error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error() into a more human_readable error string. errNumber is the error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error() and data is the storage buffer which the error string will be placed in. The maximum length of data is 80 characters by default, as defined by MAX_ERROR_SZ is wolfssl/wolfcrypt/error.h. |
void | wolfSSL_ERR_error_string_n(unsigned long e, char * buf, unsigned long sz) This function is a version of wolfSSL_ERR_error_string() where len specifies the maximum number of characters that may be written to buf. Like wolfSSL_ERR_error_string(), this function converts an error code returned from wolfSSL_get_error() into a more human-readable error string. The human-readable string is placed in buf. |
void | wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_fp(XFILE fp, int err) This function converts an error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error() into a more human_readable error string and prints that string to the output file _ fp. err is the error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error() and fp is the file which the error string will be placed in. |
void | wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_cb(int()(const char str, size_t len, void *u) cb, void * u) This function uses the provided callback to handle error reporting. The callback function is executed for each error line. The string, length, and userdata are passed into the callback parameters. |
int | wolfSSL_want_read(WOLFSSL * ) This function is similar to calling wolfSSL_get_error() and getting SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ in return. If the underlying error state is SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, this function will return 1, otherwise, 0. |
int | wolfSSL_want_write(WOLFSSL * ) This function is similar to calling wolfSSL_get_error() and getting SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE in return. If the underlying error state is SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, this function will return 1, otherwise, 0. |
unsigned long | wolfSSL_ERR_peek_last_error(void ) This function returns the absolute value of the last error from WOLFSSL_ERROR encountered. |
Functions Documentation
function wolfSSL_Debugging_ON
int wolfSSL_Debugging_ON(
If logging has been enabled at build time this function turns on logging at runtime. To enable logging at build time use –enable-debug or define DEBUG_WOLFSSL.
- none No parameters.
- 0 upon success.
- NOT_COMPILED_IN is the error that will be returned if logging isn’t enabled for this build.
function wolfSSL_Debugging_OFF
void wolfSSL_Debugging_OFF(
This function turns off runtime logging messages. If they’re already off, no action is taken.
- none No parameters.
Return: none No returns.
function wolfSSL_get_error
int wolfSSL_get_error(
WOLFSSL * ssl,
int ret
This function returns a unique error code describing why the previous API function call (wolfSSL_connect, wolfSSL_accept, wolfSSL_read, wolfSSL_write, etc.) resulted in an error return code (SSL_FAILURE). The return value of the previous function is passed to wolfSSL_get_error through ret. After wolfSSL_get_error is called and returns the unique error code, wolfSSL_ERR_error_string() may be called to get a human-readable error string. See wolfSSL_ERR_error_string() for more information.
- ssl pointer to the SSL object, created with wolfSSL_new().
- ret return value of the previous function that resulted in an error return code.
- wolfSSL_ERR_error_string
- wolfSSL_ERR_error_string_n
- wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_fp
- wolfSSL_load_error_strings
- On successful completion, this function will return the unique error code describing why the previous API function failed.
- SSL_ERROR_NONE will be returned if ret > 0. For ret <= 0, there are some cases when this value can also be returned when a previous API appeared to return an error code but no error actually occurred. An example is calling wolfSSL_read() with a zero sz parameter. A 0 return from wolfSSL_read() usually indicates an error but in this case no error occurred. If wolfSSL_get_error() is called afterwards, SSL_ERROR_NONE will be returned.
int err = 0;
char buffer[80];
err = wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0);
wolfSSL_ERR_error_string(err, buffer);
printf(“err = %d, %s\n”, err, buffer);
function wolfSSL_load_error_strings
void wolfSSL_load_error_strings(
This function is for OpenSSL compatibility (SSL_load_error_string) only and takes no action.
- none No parameters.
- wolfSSL_get_error
- wolfSSL_ERR_error_string
- wolfSSL_ERR_error_string_n
- wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_fp
- wolfSSL_load_error_strings
Return: none No returns.
function wolfSSL_ERR_error_string
char * wolfSSL_ERR_error_string(
unsigned long errNumber,
char * data
This function converts an error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error() into a more human_readable error string. errNumber is the error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error() and data is the storage buffer which the error string will be placed in. The maximum length of data is 80 characters by default, as defined by MAX_ERROR_SZ is wolfssl/wolfcrypt/error.h.
- errNumber error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error().
- data output buffer containing human-readable error string matching errNumber.
- success On successful completion, this function returns the same string as is returned in data.
- failure Upon failure, this function returns a string with the appropriate failure reason, msg.
int err = 0;
char buffer[80];
err = wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0);
wolfSSL_ERR_error_string(err, buffer);
printf(“err = %d, %s\n”, err, buffer);
function wolfSSL_ERR_error_string_n
void wolfSSL_ERR_error_string_n(
unsigned long e,
char * buf,
unsigned long sz
This function is a version of wolfSSL_ERR_error_string() where len specifies the maximum number of characters that may be written to buf. Like wolfSSL_ERR_error_string(), this function converts an error code returned from wolfSSL_get_error() into a more human-readable error string. The human-readable string is placed in buf.
- e error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error().
- buff output buffer containing human-readable error string matching e.
- len maximum length in characters which may be written to buf.
Return: none No returns.
int err = 0;
char buffer[80];
err = wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0);
wolfSSL_ERR_error_string_n(err, buffer, 80);
printf(“err = %d, %s\n”, err, buffer);
function wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_fp
void wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_fp(
int err
This function converts an error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error() into a more human_readable error string and prints that string to the output file _ fp. err is the error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error() and fp is the file which the error string will be placed in.
- fp output file for human-readable error string to be written to.
- err error code returned by wolfSSL_get_error().
Return: none No returns.
int err = 0;
FILE* fp = ...
err = wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0);
wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_fp(fp, err);
function wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_cb
void wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_cb(
int(*)(const char *str, size_t len, void *u) cb,
void * u
This function uses the provided callback to handle error reporting. The callback function is executed for each error line. The string, length, and userdata are passed into the callback parameters.
- cb the callback function.
- u userdata to pass into the callback function.
Return: none No returns.
int error_cb(const char *str, size_t len, void *u)
{ fprintf((FILE*)u, "%-*.*s\n", (int)len, (int)len, str); return 0; }
FILE* fp = ...
wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_cb(error_cb, fp);
function wolfSSL_want_read
int wolfSSL_want_read(
This function is similar to calling wolfSSL_get_error() and getting SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ in return. If the underlying error state is SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, this function will return 1, otherwise, 0.
- ssl pointer to the SSL session, created with wolfSSL_new().
- 1 wolfSSL_get_error() would return SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, the underlying I/O has data available for reading.
- 0 There is no SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ error state.
int ret;
WOLFSSL* ssl = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_want_read(ssl);
if (ret == 1) {
// underlying I/O has data available for reading (SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ)
function wolfSSL_want_write
int wolfSSL_want_write(
This function is similar to calling wolfSSL_get_error() and getting SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE in return. If the underlying error state is SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, this function will return 1, otherwise, 0.
- ssl pointer to the SSL session, created with wolfSSL_new().
- 1 wolfSSL_get_error() would return SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, the underlying I/O needs data to be written in order for progress to be made in the underlying SSL connection.
- 0 There is no SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE error state.
int ret;
WOLFSSL* ssl = 0;
ret = wolfSSL_want_write(ssl);
if (ret == 1) {
// underlying I/O needs data to be written (SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE)
function wolfSSL_ERR_peek_last_error
unsigned long wolfSSL_ERR_peek_last_error(
This function returns the absolute value of the last error from WOLFSSL_ERROR encountered.
- none No parameters.
See: wolfSSL_ERR_print_errors_fp
Return: error Returns absolute value of last error.
unsigned long err;
err = wolfSSL_ERR_peek_last_error();
// inspect err value
Updated on 2025-02-07 at 01:15:21 +0000