wolfSSL Inc has received 3 more FIPS certifications for wolfSSL’s wolfCrypt Implementation on ATMEL’s SAM4L w/ OpenRTOS v9.0.0!! These certificates can be viewed here: SHS (SHA) certificate #3310, HMAC certificate #2617, AES certificate #4012.

wolfSSL Inc is in the process of certifying CMAC, AES, SHS, and HMAC on NXP’s LPC43S20 w/ OpenRTOS v8.2.3.  The lab tests have all passed and we are simply awaiting our CAVP certificates to be given a number and publish on the NIST site!

wolfSSL has successfully tested FIPS on NXP’s LPC43S37 w/ FreeRTOS v8.0.1 and previously wolfSSL received FIPS certifications on STMicro’s STM32F w/ FreeRTOS 7.6: SHS (SHA) certificate #2882, HMAC certificate #2228, AES certificate #3490, Triple DES certificate #1966, RSA certificate #1791, DRBG certificate #863

If you have a need for FIPS on FreeRTOS/OpenRTOS please do not hesitate to contact us.