Embedded TLS and Cryptography Library

for Applications, Devices, IoT, and the Cloud

Providing secure communication for IoT, smart grid, connected home, automobiles, routers, applications, games, IP, mobile phones, the cloud, and more.

Howling Wolf

wolfSSL for Espressif

wolfSSL is dedicated to ensuring all Espressif customers have access to world-class encryption libraries to secure connections.

Some of our mutual customers may have questions regarding Espressif no longer distributing static wolfSSL binaries and what this means for wolfSSL in the Espressif environment. We want everyone to know that wolfSSL fully embraces the Espressif ecosystem.

Having customers link directly to source code allows a more efficient distribution of wolfSSL library updates. This is particularly important as any vulnerabilities are found and fixed promptly in source code, but the static binaries outside of our control may not immediately be updated. 

What does this mean for makers?

The source code for wolfSSL is dual-licensed under GPLV2. This means that makers can continue using wolfSSL encryption for free, as long as they abide by the terms of GPLV2.

What does this mean for commercial users?

Commercial users of the Espressif chips are encouraged to use the wolfSSL libraries to secure all end user connections with the robust and reliable wolfSSL libraries. There are a variety of licensing options for commercial users of all sizes. We also offer commercial support and dedicated consulting for optimization and tuning.

Talk to us at these upcoming events:

Live Webinar: Medical Device Security: Key Strategies for cyber security and data protection

July 31st | 10am PT
Cybersecurity and Technology Innovation Conference
Booth: #1010

Dallas, TX, USA
July 29th to Aug 1st
Black Hat USA
Booth #2619

Las Vegas, NV
Aug 3rd to the 8th

Microchip Masters Conference

Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Aug 12th to the 14th

Booth #237

Novi, MI, USA
Aug 13th to the 15th
TechNet Augusta
Booth #T827

Augusta, GA, USA
Aug 20th to the 22nd
NXP Tech Days

Irvine, CA, USA
Aug 20th
Billington Cybersecurity Summit

Washington DC, USA
Sep 3rd to the 6th


wolfSSL focuses on creating high quality, portable, embedded security software.  Current products include the wolfSSL embedded TLS library, wolfCrypt embedded crypto engine, wolfMQTT, wolfSSH, and wolfSSL JNI wrapper. As strong believers in open source, the majority of wolfSSL’s products are dual licensed under both the GPLv2 as well as standard commercial licensing.

wolfSSL now has support for TLS 1.3 Try it out today by downloading wolfSSL today!

To learn more about wolfSSL and the wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library, we invite you to read our About Us page, or visit a respective Product Page.


Are you curious about where wolfSSL products are used? wolfSSL is actively being used in a wide range of markets and products including the smart grid, IoT, industrial automation, connected home, M2M, auto industry, games, applications, databases, sensors, VoIP, routers, appliances, cloud services, and more.

Over 2 Billion applications and devices are secured with wolfSSL products.

To learn more about specific markets which are currently using wolfSSL products, please visit our Case Studies page.

Online Resources

We have a dedicated documentation page for wolfSSL on the Espressif chips:


ESP32 Examples: https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl-examples/tree/master/ESP32


wolfSSL Support for ESP-IDF and ESP32-WROOM-32 https://www.wolfssl.com/wolfssl-support-esp-idf-esp32-wroom-32-2/

wolfSSL ESP32 Hardware Acceleration Support https://www.wolfssl.com/wolfssl-esp32-hardware-acceleration-support/

The wolfSSL master branch can be cloned from here: https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl

The README about ESP-IDF porting can be found here: https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/blob/master/IDE/Espressif/ESP-IDF/README.md

The README about HW acceleration can be found here:  https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/blob/master/wolfcrypt/src/port/Espressif/README.md

The README about 32SE can be found here: https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/blob/master/IDE/Espressif/ESP-IDF/README_32se.md