Upcoming Webinar: cURL 2022 Roadmap

wolfSSL is holding an upcoming webinar on February 17th, 2022! Join us to hear from cURL founder and lead developer Daniel Stenberg,  and learn about the cURL roadmap for 2022. Tune in to learn about the topics that he and wolfSSL plan to work on over the year and potential ideas that they are considering. […]

Upcoming Webinar: Securing BTLE with wolfSSL and TLS v1.3

wolfSSL is holding an upcoming webinar on February 16th, 2022! Join us to learn more about the current state of Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE) security as well as an explanation of its limitations and issues. We will demonstrate using TLS v1.3 for BTLE secret and explain the benefits. Bring your questions for the Q&A session […]

Upcoming Webinar: Getting Started with wolfMQTT

wolfSSL is holding an upcoming webinar on January 20th, 2022! Join wolfSSL engineer Eric Blankenhorn to learn more about our wolfMQTT library, built to be multi-platform, space conscious and extensible. The wolfMQTT library is a client implementation of the MQTT written in C for embedded use, and supports SSL/TLS via the wolfSSL library. Bring your […]

Upcoming Webinar: Getting started with wolfSSL

Join us for our upcoming webinar on January 5th, 2022! This webinar will provide attendees with the basics and best practices needed to get started using the wolfSSL TLS library in products and projects into 2022. Topics will include a brief overview of TLS 1.3, wolfSSL package structure, how to build wolfSSL, running the wolfCrypt […]

Upcoming Webinar : Kernel Mode

In December 2020, wolfSSL 4.6.0 featured initial support for building as a Linux kernel module, supplying the entire native wolfCrypt and wolfSSL APIs directly to other kernel modules. Now, with our just-released milestone 5.0.0 release, we have extended that support with in-kernel FIPS 140-3, additional accelerated cryptography options on x86, and substantial improvements in stack […]

Upcoming Live Webinar : How to get Started with libcURL

Join Daniel Stenberg, founder and maintainer of cURL and libcurl, as he goes through some basic libcurl fundamentals and API design and explain how easily you can get your first transfers going in your own application. libcurl is the defacto standard library for Internet transfers and runs on virtually all platforms. The language focus will […]

Upcoming Live Webinar : wolfEngine – wolfCrypt as an Engine for OpenSSL

Join our live wolfEngine  webinar, where we introduce one of our newest products wolfEngine, a separate standalone library which links against wolfSSL (libwolfssl) and OpenSSL. wolfEngine implements and exposes an OpenSSL engine implementation which wraps the wolfCrypt native API internally. Algorithm support matches that as listed on the wolfCrypt FIPS 140-2 certificate #3389. Learn about […]

Upcoming Webinar : Migrating from OpenSSL to wolfSSL

There are many reasons why a user might want to switch from OpenSSL to wolfSSL. In order to facilitate this transition, wolfSSL has an accessible compatibility layer. Why Migrate? Why might one want to make this migration and turn on this compatibility in the first place? To start, wolfSSL has numerous benefits over its counterpart, […]

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