Ed25519 Support Coming to wolfCrypt

wolfSSL is adding crypto level use of Ed25519 to wolfCrypt and plans to add TLS use of Ed25519 in the future. Benchmarks of our Ed25519 implementation have shown that the sign time can be reduced by up to 90% and verify time by up to 65% compared with the common ECC-DSA!

The following are some initial benchmarks:

CPU: 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7

ECC 256 key generation 0.775 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations
EC-DSA sign time 0.739 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations
EC-DSA verify time 0.528 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations

ED25519 key generation 0.055 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations
ED25519 sign time 0.053 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations
ED25519 verify time 0.184 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations

Raspberry Pi (ARM 700MHz)

ECC 256 key generation 82.494 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations
EC-DSA sign time 84.862 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations
EC-DSA verify time 52.444 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations

ED25519 key generation 1.543 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations
ED25519 sign time 1.821 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations
ED25519 verify time 3.832 milliseconds, avg over 100 iterations

For questions about wolfSSL contact us at facts@wolfssl.com