Elevate Your Cybersecurity Skills: Master wolfSSL, DTLS 1.3, and FIPS with Comprehensive Training Videos

In today’s fast-paced world, staying ahead of the curve isn’t just advantageous—it’s essential. Continuous learning is key to personal and professional growth. At wolfSSL, we recognize this need, which is why we host webinars featuring tailored training courses for various skill levels. Our software engineers guide you through the fundamentals to advanced features, empowering you […]

wolfMQTT Releases v1.19.0

In the realm of lightweight MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) implementations, wolfMQTT continues to push the boundaries of efficiency and versatility. With the release of version 1.19.0, wolfMQTT introduces several pivotal features that enhance its performance, usability, and integration capabilities. Enhanced Stress Test Module: The incorporation of an advanced stress test module empowers developers to […]

Every hardware cryptography scheme wolfSSL has ever enabled in 2024

At wolfSSL we support hardware cryptography for a wide range of platforms. The benefits of hardware cryptography include reduced code footprint size, improved security, acceleration of cryptographic operations, and utilization of true random number generators. For example, this allows everything from wolfBoot to TLS cipher suites to enjoy acceleration of cryptographic operations. Furthermore, we have […]

wolfSSL 5.7.0 Now Available!

Version 5.7.0 of wolfSSL is now available! Many new and exciting features were added in this release. Near the top of that list is the addition of our Kyber implementation along with other post quantum algorithm support. This empowers you to future-proof your security measures, ensuring robust protection against evolving threats. In addition to introducing […]

Overview of Testing in wolfSSL

The security of wolfSSL products is always on the wolfSSL team’s mind and holds high importance. Conducting regular, diligent, and well-planned testing helps maintain wolfSSL’s robustness and security. The wolfSSL team strives to write and maintain clean, readable, and understandable code. API Unit Testing: Unit tests are in place to test API functions for correct […]

wolfSSH 1.4.15 Now Available!

Merry Christmas! The Christmas release of wolfSSH is here, version 1.4.15! Version 1.4.15 brings with it a fix for a vulnerability, bug fixes, new features, and some enhancements as well! For a description of vulnerabilities fixed, please see our vulnerability page. New features in this release include a wolfSSH client application, support for OpenSSH-style keys, […]

wolfSSL 5.6.6 Now Available!

Merry Christmas! The Christmas release of wolfSSL is here, version 5.6.6! Version 5.6.6 brings with it fixes for 4 vulnerabilities, bug fixes, new features, and some enhancements as well! For a description of vulnerabilities fixed, please see our vulnerability page. New features in this release include support for additional hardware devices (STM32WL55), new hardware encryption […]

wolfSSL DTLS1.3 ESP32 Examples Now Available

Have you heard about secure UDP packets? Yes, you can enjoy the security of TLS1.3 level encryption but use UDP instead of TCP on the ESP32. It’s called DTLS. The UDP packets are typically used in lossy, unreliable networks such as LoRa (low-power, long-range radio networks). Most people interested in secure UDP are using the […]

Every hardware cryptography scheme wolfSSL has ever enabled

At wolfSSL we support hardware cryptography for a wide range of platforms. The benefits of hardware cryptography include reduced code footprint size, improved security, acceleration of cryptographic operations, and utilization of true random number generators. For example, this allows everything from wolfBoot to TLS cipher suites to enjoy acceleration of cryptographic operations. Furthermore, we have […]

Is my part supported?

If you are wondering if your part is supported by wolfSSL, the answer is “Yes!!” That said, what follows is an abbreviated incomplete list sorted by manufacturer: Note: no matter how hard we try to make these lists, they will never be complete because the week after the list is made, there will be more […]

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