Platform Security Architecture (PSA) Crypto API support in wolfSSL

One of the reasons for wolfSSL ubiquity is its easiness to support a wide range of platforms, interfaces and hardware accelerations. Now wolfSSL makes another step in this direction supporting an additional cryptographic interface, the Platform Security Architecture (PSA) crypto API. This means that everything wolfSSL supports (DTLS 1.2, TLS 1.3, etc.) can now leverage the API exposed by a PSA capable system. To start experimenting take a look at

For a more hands-on approach feel free to check our examples, where you can find how to establish a TLS 1.3 connection on Trusted Firmware-M (, the reference implementation for the PSA ecosystem. The example uses an STM32L5 NUCLEO-L552Ze-Q board. As usual, if you have any questions or comments, contact us at