STM32F Support Expanded

We’ve expanded our STM32F series support in the wolfSSL embedded TLS library to include the STM32F1, STM32F2, STM32F4 and STM32F7. This supports using either the CubeMX HAL or the Standard Peripheral Library. If the chip supports symmetric hardware crypto such as AES (CBC/GCM), 3DES, MD5, SHA1 or SHA256 we support using this from wolfCrypt native API’s or naturally through wolfSSL’s TLS client/server. The performance is about 10 times greater with the symmetric crypto hardware, making it a perfect fit for IoT TLS and performance-constrained devices. If the chip supports hardware based Random Number Generation (RNG) we support that as well.

You can find a list of build-time options for configuring this here:

You can find an example STM32Cube project here:

For more information please email us at