What’s up with TLS 1.3?

We are receiving questions on TLS 1.3 with greater frequency during the last 6 months. This note is intended to answer those questions and make clear our positions on TLS 1.3, so here are our thoughts:

1. We intend to have an implementation of TLS 1.3 available when the specification goes final from the IETF. Our big challenge is that since we will be the first to offer TLS 1.3, our interoperability testing will be limited at that time.

2. We will implement some of the individual features of TLS 1.3 as they become consensus and subsequently final from the IETF TLS working group. This will give us and our users a jump on the process of migrating to the new standard.

3. FIPS 140-2: We will be working with our lab to ensure that our TLS 1.3 implementation also supports FIPS.

4. As the leading embedded SSL/TLS, we will continue to maintain our lean and fast like a wolf design philosophy, such that our TLS 1.3 implementation will consume minimal resources.

As always, you are welcome to contact us at facts@wolfssl.com or at +1 425 245 8247 with your comments or questions.