wolfssh 1.4.14 release

wolfSSH 1.4.14 is now available for download! This is the next version of our lightweight, IoT friendly SSH implementation. There were some good fixes and improvements made to the code base for this release. A couple of the notable additions were:

  • Adding user authentication support for RSA signing with SHA2-256 and SHA2-512 (Following RFC 8332)
  • Support for FATFS on Xilinx targets
  • Post quantum security enhancements and interoperability testing

Also something of note for SCP users is that now wolfSSH_accept will return WS_SCP_INIT once ready to start performing the SCP operation instead of going on. wolfSSH_accept will then need to be called again once your application is ready to perform the SCP operation. This change was made to help with things like chroot jailing when allowing SCP operations with wolfSSHd.

This release also had some fixes for issues with wolfSSHd

  • Fix for calling chdir after chroot with wolfSSHd when jailing connections on unix environments
  • Fix for support with secondary groups with wolfSSHd

And in the recent bundle we closed out an edge case with SFTP on LWiP. Improving the portability of wolfSSH when used on embedded environments. For a full list of changes and fixes please view the ChangeLog.md bundled with wolfSSH. For any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to facts@wolfssl.com or call us at +1 425 245 8247.