wolfSSH v1.4.17 Improvements and Fixes

wolfSSH has several useful features that were introduced in this most recent release.

We have made wolfSSH builds for various systems better and easier. This includes changes to configuration scripts and modifying code to work with various compiler quirks. We’ve made building wolfSSH for Nucleus, QNX, Windows, and ESP32 builds better. And we’ve fixed an issue working with the Zephyr file system involving redundant file mode bits.

We’ve improved testing of wolfSSH. There are new scripts to test details of the wolfSSHd server. Also, the Zephyr SFTP test uses a different file for the transfer test. The new file used is available in all situations.

The terminal support with shells is improved. The terminal size bounds were not getting set correctly in all builds, and that is now fixed. The shell environment now sets up things like the `$SHELL` variable and the `$0` value as expected. We fixed a potential memory leak when receiving the terminal modes from the peer. For Windows builds, the shell environment has its own quirks and we are working with those better.

wolfSSH has been able to run commands and scripts over a connection for a while. We’ve recently improved this behavior with wolfSSHd and use the I/O pipes better. The return code from the script or command is captured and returned to the peer as expected.

Missed with the SHA-1 disable and reenable was a bug with verifying RSA signatures. Disabling SHA-1, the testing used ECDSA authentication instead. This bug is now fixed.

Finally, we try to keep wolfSSH tunable for size. If you don’t want a feature, you can easily leave it out of a build. This is good for embedded targets with constraints on code and memory usage. A few of the guard checks were incorrect and have been fixed.

In all, we think this makes wolfSSH a better product. If you have any questions or are wondering about wolfSSH on other platforms, please email support@wolfSSL.com. Thank you!

If you have questions about any of the above, please contact us at facts@wolfSSL.com or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

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