wolfSSL and PicoTCP

The next release of CyaSSL will have official support for the PicoTCP TCP/IP stack. wolfSSL has been working closely with the developers at TASS to add out-of-the-box support for this new, lightweight, and dual-licensed TCP/IP stack – making it easier to secure Internet of Things devices running on top of PicoTCP.

For those not familiar with PicoTCP, it is “a TCP/IP stack developed from the ground up for embedded devices, by embedded software engineers. Resource usage, modularity and portability to different hardware platforms and embedded operating systems are key.” Like CyaSSL, PicoTCP is open source and dual licensed under both the GPLv2 and a commercial license.

TASS has put together a helpful demo application using both CyaSSL and PicoTCP, with a walkthrough documented here:

When compiling CyaSSL for use with PicoTCP, users will need to define CYASSL_PICOTCP, and optionally CYASSL_PICOTCP_DEMO when compiling for use with the example demo application listed above.

If you are interested in using CyaSSL with PicoTCP, or have any questions, please contact us at facts@wolfssl.com.

PicoTCP: http://www.picotcp.com/
TASS Belgium (acquired by Altran): https://www.altran.com/nl/en/