wolfSSL + Apache httpd

In the latest wolfSSL releases, we have added 200+ new API to our OpenSSL compatibility layer. Many of these new API were added for providing support for Apache HTTP Server.

We are excited to announce that as of version 4.3.0, wolfSSL provides support for the Apache web server with the enable option –enable-apachehttpd.  This means you can now build Apache with the latest, most robust security provided by the wolfSSL SSL/TLS and wolfCrypt libraries.  wolfSSL supports TLS 1.3, FIPS 14-2, DO-178, and more!

If you are interested in building Apache httpd with wolfSSL, please contact us at facts@wolfssl.com for a version of Apache that is compatible.

For comparison between wolfSSL and OpenSSL, visit https://www.wolfssl.com/docs/wolfssl-openssl/.

We love you,
wolfSSL Team