wolfSSL at Docker Hub

We at wolfSSL are pleased to announce that now you can use wolfSSL directly from Docker!

In a few words, Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers are like virtual machines, but way more lighter as the container shares some resources with the hosting machine.

We created a collection of wolfSSL containers targeting the following OSs: Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine Linux, CentOS

There are 3 different flavors of containers we have created based on each OS, they are: lib, test and examples

wolfssl/wolfssl ubuntu-examples 9198e6d82596 127MB
wolfssl/wolfssl ubuntu-test     ba5ca8ca4359 351MB
wolfssl/wolfssl ubuntu-lib      125125eea7ab 126MB
ubuntu          latest          2d696327ab2e 122MB
wolfssl/wolfssl debian-examples cd066ee3b5db 106MB
wolfssl/wolfssl debian-test     5a3edb3a2a20 356MB
wolfssl/wolfssl debian-lib      3086ef0f07b6 105MB
debian          latest          72ef1cf971d1 100MB
wolfssl/wolfssl centos-examples 37687e96d5b9 222MB
wolfssl/wolfssl centos-test     359d4195ca53 392MB
wolfssl/wolfssl centos-lib      a8c6cafd6205 221MB
centos          latest          196e0ce0c9fb 197MB
wolfssl/wolfssl alpine-examples 490120f86d61 8.74MB
wolfssl/wolfssl alpine-test     52b698631bec 228MB
wolfssl/wolfssl alpine-lib      692a0c26cda6 7.97MB
alpine          latest          76da55c8019d 3.97MB

The -lib images contains only the wolfSSL binaries, while -examples also contains the test examples and -test also contains wolfSSL’s source code.

You can find further information on how to run wolfSSL examples on a docker container in our docker hub page: https://hub.docker.com/u/wolfssl/

And here is a quick example, server in the left tab and the client in the right tab: