wolfSSL embedded ssl library release 1.5.4 is now available

wolfSSL release 1.5.4 adds support for the Mongoose Web Server and intel`s AES-NI encryption instructions, speed improvements for the SHA1 cipher from loop unrolling, new testing certificates and bug fixes.

Support for the Mongoose Web Server was user requested.  Support was added by test building Mongoose with wolfSSL and enabling our OpenSSL compatibility API.  Minor functionality was then added to wolfSSL`s OpenSSL compatibility API to make the build seamless.  The build results in a smaller footprint version of Mongoose for embedded users.   Secure connections to Mongoose were then tested and subsequently passed.  If you find any issues in building Mongoose with wolfSSL or with the subsequent builds, then please contact us at info@yassl.com.

Support for AES-NI, intel`s new instruction set for accelerated AES support, was enabled so that our intel based users could access the instruction set directly through wolfSSL.  This new functionality gives wolfSSL users wonderful speed improvements when using AES on servers under heavy load. More details on how to make the most of wolfSSL`s AES-NI support for intel servers will be available shortly.  If you need more help now, then let us know at info@yassl.com.  Details on AES-NI can be found here: http://www.intel.com/Assets/en_US/PDF/whitepaper/Intel_AES-NI_White_Paper.pdf.

Happy yaSSLing!  We hope you enjoy this new release!