wolfSSL embedded SSL library supports TLS 1.2

The wolfSSL embedded ssl library and Gnu TLS are the first SSL libraries to support the new TLS 1.2 standard.  The TLS specification can be found here:  http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5246.txt.  The first browser to support TLS 1.2 is Opera.  It appears that TLS 1.2 support is also available in Windows 7, though not by default.  As of this writing support from other browsers  appears to be in the works. 

Why use TLS 1.2?  In a nutshell, enhanced security.  TLS 1.2 is less susceptible to MITM attacks, has stronger default security, and adds some additional flexibility for developers.

Are you using or evaluating wolfSSL’s TLS 1.2 support?  Let us have your feedback!  We would also love to know what extensions to the specification that you think we should support.