wolfSSL is Being Ported to OpenRTOS

We wanted to let our followers know that we`re in the process of porting wolfSSL to FreeRTOS/OpenRTOS. FreeRTOS is a real-time operating system for embedded devices which is designed to be small and simple. Currently, it officially supports 27 architectures and is downloaded over 77 thousand times every year.

Like wolfSSL, FreeRTOS is portable, open source and royalty free. OpenRTOS has an identical code base to FreeRTOS except it offers a commercial license for those projects which would rather not abide by the terms of the GPL.

For a full list of features in FreeRTOS/OpenRTOS, and to learn more about the project in general, visit the FreeRTOS website at http://www.freertos.org/.

If you would like to use wolfSSL with FreeRTOS, or have any questions about our port, please let us know at info@yassl.com.
