wolfSSL provider support for PKCS11

We now support wolfCrypt as a PKCS11 provider for applications to consume. The new wolfPKCS11 library adds a PKCS11 layer on top of the wolfCrypt API’s to enable customers who wish to standardize on an API interface or may already have developed code against PKCS #11.

PKCS #11 is an OASIS standard for “Cryptographic Token Interface Base Specification” (A.K.A Cryptoki). It defines an API interface for communicating with Hardware Security Modules (HSM) to provide cryptography support such as RSA and ECC. It allows enumeration of devices and features using a shared or static library.

A good introduction to PKCS #11 can be found here: 


The source code is in a new GitHub repository here:


For questions please email facts@wolfssl.com