wolfSSL Release Version 5.6.0

wolfSSL release version 5.6.0 is available now! A couple things to note with this release is that the new and improved ASN parsing, and generation, code is enabled by default now. Additionally we have the upcoming deprecation of –enable-heapmath which is scheduled to be removed by 2024.

This release also saw the addition of DTLS 1.3 stateless ClientHello parsing support. Not only are we leading the pack with adaptation of DTLS 1.3 but we are also adding in features such as the stateless ClientHello support. Some other additions of note were; the port to RT1170 and use of CAAM, update to Stunnel version 5.67, RX64/RX71 hardware acceleration support, and expansion of the compatibility layer.

Improvements to continuous integration testing and some refactoring of our testing framework was done during the last release cycle. To stay the best tested crypto on the market we are constantly trying to improve the testing that we do. This release also had some nice fixes that were made.

A full list of the changes can be found in the ChangeLog.md file bundled with wolfSSL. For questions about wolfSSL contact us at facts@wolfssl.com.