Live Webinar: SM ciphers are implemented in wolfSSL

Join the webinar to discover how the latest SM cipher implementations from wolfSSL comply with Chinese regulations and can secure your critical systems! wolfSSL engineer Sean will reveal all the details to help you find the best solutions for your critical systems on September 7th at 2pm PT.

Watch the webinar here: SM ciphers are implemented in woldSSL

The Chinese government mandates the use of SM2, SM3, and SM4 in critical systems such as automobiles, avionics and more. wolfSSL is proud to announce our supported versions of these ciphers tailored to our customers in the Chinese market. We also have a plan to release the ZUC stream cipher later this year to completely satisfy SM9. Additionally, we’re actively communicating with labs regarding support of OSCCA certification in the future.

This exciting development is fantastic news for our customers in the Chinese market, ensuring they remain compliant with the latest regulations.

Benefits of using wolfSSL products:

  1. The SM Ciphers are fully supported in wolfSSL’s TLS 1.3 and DTLS 1.3 implementations.
  2. wolfSSH, wolfBoot and our other products will support ShangMi ciphers.
  3. ARM, Intel, and RiscV assembly is in the works for our SM implementations for maximum performance
  4. We support bare metal for SM2, SM3, and SM4
  5. We have maximized performance and minimized size, so the ShangMi algorithms will work well for embedded systems use cases on a wide variety of microcontrollers (MCU’s). They will be available for all of the MCU silicon that we currently support, including STM32, NXP i.MX, RISC-V, Renesas RA, RX, and Synergy, Nordic NRF32, Microchip PIC32, Infineon Aurix, TI MSP, and many others
  6. Our GPLv2 versions of the SM ciphers are available on GitHub

Commercially licensed versions are available.

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover solutions for your system security and compliance. Join our webinar to explore the full potential of SM cipher implementations from wolfSSL.

Watch it now!

As always, our webinars will include Q&A sessions throughout the webinar. If you have questions on any of the above, please contact us at, or call us at +1 425 245 8247.

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