Author: Daniel Stenberg

Without much fanfare or fireworks we put together and shipped a fresh new version of tiny-curl. We call it version 0.10 and it is based on the 7.65.3 curl tree.

tiny-curl is a patch set to build curl as tiny as possible while still being able to perform HTTPS GET requests and maintaining the libcurl API. Additionally, tiny-curl is ported to FreeRTOS.

Changes in 0.10

  • The largest and primary change is that this version is based on curl 7.65.3, which brings more features and in particular more bug fixes compared to tiny-curl 0.9.
  • Parts of the patches used for tiny-curl 0.9 was subsequently upstreamed and merged into curl proper, making the tiny-curl 0.10 patch much smaller.


As before, tiny-curl is an effort that is on a separate track from the main curl. Download tiny-curl from!