So, what’s new at wolfSSL? Take a look below to check out the most recent news, or sign up to receive weekly email notifications containing the latest news from wolfSSL. wolfSSL also has a support-specific blog page dedicated to answering some of the more commonly received support questions.

GCM Encryption Mode Coming to wolfSSL

We`ve started implementing Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) into wolfSSL.  Specifically for use with AES and as a cipher suite for embedded SSL.  One of the benefits of GCM is its efficiency and its performance appears to be pretty good as well.  As an authenticated encryption algorithm it provides both integrity and confidentiality.  We expect to see it more widely adopted in the near future.  If you`re interested in testing AES with GCM or have any question or comments please let us know.

GCM (Wikipedia):

-Team yaSSL

wolfSSL in the Embedded Software Store

A short time ago, we announced the unveiling of the online Embedded Software Store by ARM and Avnet (previous post). Since that time, there has been some feedback on the site itself and many bugs and errors have been fixed.

We wanted to point our readers to the wolfSSL product page on the Embedded Software Store, now that it has been updated. Do you have any feedback on the store itself or on the wolfSSL product page? Do you like the idea of having an online store for your embedded software needs?

wolfSSL Product Page (Embedded Software Store):

We look forward to hearing your thoughts at

– yaSSL

wolfSSL 2.0.2 is Now Available

Version 2.0.2 of the wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library has been released and is now available for download! The first final release of wolfSSL 2.0 after three release candidates provides users and customers with additional bug fixes and feature enhancements. Specifically, version 2.0.2 adds:

– Bug fixes
– CTaoCrypt Runtime library detection settings when directly using the crypto library
– Default certificate generation now uses SHAwRSA and adds SHA256wRSA generation
– All test certificates now use 2048-bit and SHA-1 for better modern browser support
– Direct AES block access and AES-CTR (counter) mode
– Microchip pic32 support

To download the open source, GPLv2-licensed version of wolfSSL 2.0.2, please visit our Download Page. If you have any questions or comments or would like more information on commercial versions of wolfSSL, please contact us at

For build instructions, a full feature list, API reference, and more, please see the wolfSSL Manual.

Secure your printer, prevent fires!

We`ve noticed a couple articles lately mentioning printers as potential attack vectors.  One is particularly disturbing in that not only is a network breach possible, as if that`s not bad enough, but cracked firmware could cause a printer to heat up enough to start a fire: .  

An easy way to prevent attack vectors like these is to build in a secure firmware updater.  Of course we think the embedded SSL solution wolfSSL is a perfect fit for this job.  Several printer models already use wolfSSL to secure documents and resources on the network.  We`d like to assist and provide tools to printer vendors (or any device vendor really) to protect the firmware, preventing attacks against data, property, and even lives.  Let us know if you have any questions or comments or are interested in building/using tools for firmware protection.

Team yaSSL.

wolfSSL Supports Forward Secrecy

Ever wondered what forward secrecy is and how it applies to SSL/TLS?  Forward secrecy protects current encryption even in the event of a future crack of a long term private key.  Using ephemeral keying in TLS with DHE or ECDHE yields this protection because the temporary key is unique and never used again.  So even if the server`s private key is cracked two years from now your current communication is still secure.  wolfSSL offers several cipher suites that give users this added security:



If you have any comments or questions please let us know.

Happy Thanksgiving, 
Team yaSSL

How Does wolfSSL Compare to OpenSSL?

We often get asked how wolfSSL compares to OpenSSL and what advantages it brings to a project if it replaces a current OpenSSL implementation. To give you a short comparison, see the points below.

Size: With a 30-100kB build size and runtime memory usage between 3-36kB, wolfSSL can be up to 20 times smaller than OpenSSL. In an embedded environment where footprint size is critical or a large cloud environment where memory usage per connection makes a big impact on the performance and success of a project, wolfSSL is an optimal SSL and cryptography solution.

Standards Support: wolfSSL is up-to-date with the most recent standards of TLS 1.2 and DTLS which OpenSSL has yet to address. With the recently-presented crack in TLS 1.0, your project should use either TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 for maximum security – both of which wolfSSL fully supports on both the client and server side.

Progressive Cipher Support: wolfSSL is kept progressive with support for new and secure ciphers. wolfSSL includes some of the best current ciphers for streaming media support, including the HC-128 and RABBIT stream ciphers. Standard ciphers are supported as well including EDH on both the client and server side.

Portability: wolfSSL is the leading SSL library for real-time, mobile, embedded, and enterprise systems, by virtue of its breadth of platform support and successful implementations. With a long list of supported platforms out of the box, your time to market can be decreased dramatically by using wolfSSL. OpenSSL requires porting to many platforms, which can cost your team both time and money.

License: wolfSSL is dual licensed and available both under the GPLv2 as well as a standard commercial license. OpenSSL is available under a unique license from multiple sources.

Support: wolfSSL was written from the ground up and is maintained and developed by the original developers. With a wolfSSL license comes one full year of support. Available directly through phone, email or the yaSSL product support forums, your questions are answered quickly and accurately to help you make progress on your project as quickly as possible.

Ease of Use: OpenSSL is burdened with legacy code that must be maintained and kept up to date. wolfSSL was written from the beginning with developers in mind. Because of this mindset, wolfSSL has been developed with a simple and documented API, easy-to-use abstraction layers for OS, Custom I/O, and Standard C library, and clear usage examples.

If you have any further questions about how wolfSSL compares to OpenSSL, please let us know at

Android Kerberos Port using wolfSSL Embedded SSL

yaSSL has recently ported the MIT Kerberos libraries to Android. The Android platform has previously been void of Kerberos support – forcing Android developers who are creating new applications or porting existing projects to either modify existing code or exclude Kerberos functionality from their apps and libraries altogether.

yaSSL has taken the first steps in bringing Kerberos to the Android platform. The native MIT Kerberos libraries have been cross-compiled for Android and are now able to be used natively with the Android NDK. yaSSL has added the wolfSSL embedded SSL library`s cryptography library (CTaoCrypt) as a crypto implementation for Kerberos, allowing embedded projects to use wolfSSL`s lightweight and fully functional crypto backend on Android.

In addition to the cross-compiled MIT Kerberos libraries, yaSSL has created a sample Android NDK application wrapping the functionality of kinit, klist, kvno, and kdestroy with a simple GUI front-end. We hope this application provides a starting place for application developers interested in using Kerberos on Android.

The MIT Kerberos libraries and sample application are distributed under the MIT license (using wolfSSL`s FLOSS exception) and the code will be in the MIT Kerberos code repository in the near future. Until it has been merged into the MIT repositories, you can find the sample application on GitHub at the following URL. The sample application includes cross-compiled Kerberos and wolfSSL libraries. Instructions on cross compiling MIT Kerberos yourself will be released in the near future.

Our next step is to work on adding Java bindings for the native Kerberos GSS-API library on Android. As we have looked into several methods of accomplishing this, we would like to hear what the community would like to see regarding the Java bindings. Also, we would like to explore if there are any existing solutions which could be useful. The options we have looked at thus far include:

– Porting over an existing org.ietf.jgss Java package to Android and tying that into the native GSS-API library through JNI.
– Using SWIG to generate Java wrappers to the native GSS-API.

Are you interested in using Kerberos on Android? What do you think the best path would be for adding Java bindings? Do you have any suggestions about the direction of the project so far? If so, please let us know your thoughts at


Team yaSSL

wolfSSL on Microchip

We recently did a preliminary port of wolfSSL to Microchip’s PIC32, which will be further explained and announced in a future release of wolfSSL. Are you using wolfSSL with a Microchip board? If so, we’re prepared to support you if you run into any problems or issues.

Let us know at if you’ve tried wolfSSL with a Microchip board, or if you have any questions about wolfSSL in general.

Microchip PIC32:

– Team yaSSL

Scaling with SSL

Why is wolfSSL a great solution when you have millions of connections per server?  Memory consumption per connection can be as low as 3k, varying with the size of input and output buffers. This brings wolfSSL’s runtime memory consumption to 3-36kB depending on buffer size. Input and output buffers are created on demand when smaller than MAX_RECORD_SZ unless the user turns on STATIC_CHUNKS_ONLY.  

In contrast,  OpenSSL typically consumes 50-140k per connection.  wolfSSL emphasizes small size, speed, and low memory use.  These attributes make wolfSSL ideal for scaling on a huge magnitude.   Other libraries often run into problems when trying to scale to hundreds of thousands of connections for applications like load balancing or cloud services.  We have users doing just that.  

Want to hear about how wolfSSL is being scaled in the cloud?  Contact us and we`ll share some of the use cases currently in production.  

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